The Corporate Heads at Kelloggs discovered that their ad buyer affiliates were planting their brands on Breitbart. Since that right wing website and it’s 45 million viewers are said not to be in line with Kelloggs Corporate Values (whatever those are), the company is working to remove its ads.
This has brought about a petition and a #dumpkelloggs campaign, as well as a boycott from those in middle America who are tired of being urinated upon by the elites.
Speaking of urination, it appears that Kelloggs products have also been urinated upon. A video of a person doing this (taken at the Memphis facility in 2014, according to Kelloggs) have been making their way around the net. Perhaps Kelloggs needs to be carefully cleaning its own house before passing judgment upon others. The ‘golden cereal’ video will be HERE until Kelloggs finds it and strong arms the site owners into taking it down.
PM me your working email, getting them all bouncing back for some reason…