Leftists Shedding Tears over Pope’s Latest Apostolic Letter

Pope Francis has just put out Amoris Laetitia, an apostolic letter addressing marriage and family life.  The title means “The Joy of Love”, something different than  “The Joy of Sex”.

Tears are falling into beers, lattes, girlie drinks, and fine vintages, as leftists quietly suffer.  The Pope was never going to sign onto the political fad of same sex marriage, or any other civilization shrinking arrangements.

Analysts inform us that the Pope’s letter is full of a little more down to earth advice, and a little less academic theory.  This means that Pharmer might actually pick it up and read the whole thing, and see if there is specific advice from Pope Francis on steering the marriage through “mentalpause”  (which is menopause plus manopause).  It could be a fun read.

As for media coverage of the momentous event of the Catholic Church holding fast to its teaching, and refusing to change……. you’ll be able to hear a pin drop, amid the falling teardrops.

Oh!!!!  Please call those leftie social engineers a WAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE!