Over at Newsbusters, Mark Finkelstein is noting another display of Obama’s inherent personality disorder. Chuck Todd hosted Obama at the NBC Nightly News (Don’t bother to go there) during which the leftist in chief commented on the disastrous rollout of Obamacare.
Sez Obama to Chuck: “I am deeply frustrated about how this website has not worked over the first couple of weeks. And, I take responsibility of that. My team takes responsibility of that. And we are working every single day, 24/7, to improve it. And it’s better now than it was last week. It’s certainly a lot better than IT WAS on October 1st. Having said that, given that I’ve been burned already with a website--well, more importantly the American people have been burned by a website that’s been dysfunctional, what we’ve also been doing is creating a whole other set of tracks, making sure that people can apply by phone effectively, making sure people can apply in person effectively.”
Obama, the narcissist has no concern for the disastrous effects, (including death syndrome), that his health care fail is causing for many Americans. As always, he’s much more focused on himself, and Zeke Emanuel actually had this in mind, as did other haters of humanity such as Cass Sunstein. Obamacare will have the opposite effect than that which was advertised, and it is intentional.
Now, Obama, the technology president, is telling us that we will have to phone in requests to sign up for Obamacare, to whatever dysfunctional felons and miscreants that the leftists employ to man Obamacare telethon banks.