Oops! TV Anchor Caught Mocking Former Dem Rep on Live TV | The Blaze.
From the Cincinnati Area main stream media, celebrating former Rep (D) OH Steve Driehaus’s decision to move his whole family to Swaziland and work with the Peace Corp.
(The decision might have something to do with his self -humiliation of suing the pro-lifers for their campaign work against him. It’s a good time to leave the neighborhood for a bit.)
One of the news-grrls, at local WLWT Sheree Paolello was mocking Driehaus during the piece, and her mic was live. OOPS! Take a look fast because YouTube will probably pull this one down soon.
Paolello later issued an apology.
*Update 4/13:…. As predicted, the video is pulled down from YouTube. You knew that wouldn’t last.
What happened is that there was an audio-visual snafu at the studio. The interview with Driehaus was playing and suddenly sound switched. Sheree was overheard mimicking a man’s voice saying: “I’m completely depressed that I’m joining the Peace Corps. How did I lose to Steve Chabot and”……….. the sound was cut, and a few seconds later, sound of the interview was turned back on.
Someone at the studio got a spanking for fiddling with the switches, Pharmer bets.