Oregon was one of the recipients of an “early innovator grant” because it’s Obamacare exchange was to become a model for the nation. Dan Riehl at Breitbart.com says that this promise was never fulfilled, but Pharmer disagrees. The Cover Oregon Debacle really IS an Obamacare model which will be followed by other states, and they will crash and burn too, as originally designed. Obamacare is the planned failure which precedes a push for completely socialized medicine.
Listed among the achievements of Cover Oregon is a non functional website which has failed in enrolling even a single citizen of that state. They have, using paper forms, and 500 additional employees, managed to accidentally sign up about 4000 illegal aliens.
So far, this state exchange has gotten $305 million in federal grants (our money) and has burned $160 million on a failed website. It appears that the Feds will have to take over their stellar state exchange– the ultimate bail out. Expect more of the same from other states.