New HHS Mandate Amendment Still Violates First Amendment

Proposal to amend ObamaCare contraceptive rule met with skepticism | Fox News.

Kathleen (Cruella) Sebelius, has slightly broadened conscience exceptions in the HHS mandate. The new amendment still shows her desire to remove all of those who religiously object to paying for birth control, abortion and sterilizations, from the world of business. This is much worse than a status of dhimmitude for strict opponents of abortion, and would serve to force them out of the taxable portion of the U.S. economy. With this amendment, the administration shows that it is not serious about addressing the debt problem by allowing the INFLUX of tax dollars.

The HHS mandate remains a significant part of the many pronged effort by the Obama administration to remove the United States from its position as a world economic leader.

Rand Paul Attends to His Promises to Pro-lifers

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul Holds Up Vote on Flood Insurance So That He Can Get a Vote on Whether Life Begins at Conception |

FEMA flood insurance funding requires an vote to continue it for the next five years.

Rand Paul is attempting to force the Senate to address the issue of when human life begins, in order to proceed with funding the flood insurance.

Reid is not wanting to allow this amendment to the flood insurance funding, since the Dems would not want to acknowledge biological facts in conjunction with continuing a government spending program.

Reid will allow vote on repeal of administration’s birth control mandate – The Hill’s Healthwatch

Reid will allow vote on repeal of administration's birth control mandate – The Hill's Healthwatch.

Senator Harry Reid has changed his mind, and decided to allow Sen. Roy Blunt’s Bill to repeal Obama’s birth control/abortive drugs/sterilization mandate to pass to the full Senate for a vote.
This new decision comes after Obamanator’s unilateral “compromise” to shift the administration of the mandate to insurance companies. This includes all the religious entities which are self insured. The compromise still steps on freedom of religion, still has religious organizations paying for things they consider sinful, and still forces people to sell and to buy things which they don’t want.

Here are two possible motivations: One is that Reid’s constituency includes a lot of self insured religious organizations, and they climbed down his throat.
Another is that Obama needs to bail on this very unconstitutional mandate, and Reid has been ordered to allow Congress to rescind it.

You might want to inform your Senators and Congressmen that you expect them to kill the abortive mandate of Obama/Sebelius. It is likely that most of the Dems realize that all their religious voter support will evaporate if they don’t vote for Sen. Blunt’s legislation.