Appellate Court Upholds Decision Protecting Pharmacists of Concience in Illinois

Court: Illinois Can't Force Pharmacists to Sell Plan B Drug |

The 2005 Blagojevich edict forcing pharmacists to dispense the morning after pill and all other birth control drugs without question or delay, suffered a second defeat, this time in appellate court. In 2011 the trial court had found that the law was invalid because it targeted a specific group, and that Illinois law prohibits discrimination in licensing those who cannot provide a particular service due to religious beliefs.
This lawsuit, which passed its second review, was the one involving pharmacy owners, Luke VanderBleek and Glenn Kosirog. Another lawsuit, which ended in favor of conscientious objectors, involved employee pharmacists in the same state.
The Appellate court opinion is available HERE.
VanderBleek and Kosirog have been represented since 2005 by attorneys of the ACLJ and the Becket Fund.

ACLJ files First Private Lawsuit Filed Against Contraception Mandate

First Private Lawsuit Filed Against Contraception Mandate.

O’Brien Industrial Holdings LLC, in Missouri, is chaired by Frank O’Brien, and underneath that entity is a group of mining, exploratory and processing companies. The mission statement at the corporate website is summarized: “to make our labor a pleasing offering to the Lord while enriching families and society. O’Brien is an entrepreneur whose faith drives him to do much more than the mere ritual that Obama would permit.
Unlike Obama’s “freedom of worship” idea, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, which is belief that governs activities 24/7.
ACLJ’s Frank Manion, who represents O’Brien and his company, said:“The HHS contraception mandate tells people like Frank O’Brien that they have to choose between conducting their business in a manner consistent with their moral values, or conducting their business in a manner consistent with the government’s values. The constitution does not allow the government to impose such a choice.”
Prayers for the success of this lawsuit against the tyrannical Obama regime.