Welcome to Dhimmitude, Pro-lifers

Obama admin: birth control mandate is final; bishops vow to fight | LifeSiteNews.com.

“In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences,” said Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

From the statement above, you think the U.S. Catholic Bishops have a plan for dealing with their most favored President Obama?

There’s a debate over at JillStanek.com to see if people think the Bishops will stand up to Obama, or will they begin covering the pill, or will the religiously affiliated institutions  pay the Dhimmi tax in order to be allowed not to cover the birth control pill.

The Dhimmi tax is the amount of money that religiously run hospitals would have to pay for each employee, in order to stop health care coverage for them.  This tax will start out at two thousand dollars per individual, and increase from there.

In many Muslim governed  countries,  people of other religions have to pay additional taxes in order to be permitted to live in the country and practice their own religion.     This is a perfectly good word to apply to the new relationship of pro-life religions to the dominant statist religion, which is coercing religiously run institutions to contribute to the  state program of reproductive control.

I am wondering what will happen when the Muslim physicians, pharmacists and nurses  decide that they have a problem with the coercive policies of the Obama administration,  as have the Muslim health caregivers in Europe.
The reason that Europe is allowing some religious dissent to the abortion culture, is not because of the Christians.  They already gave in.   It’s mostly the Muslims who rolled the abortion coercion back a bit, by refusing to cooperate.  The governments have sufficient fear of the Muslims that they’re afraid to deny them  the freedom to not abort.
Sorry to say, there is a significant social drawback to turning the other cheek.
So far, it appears that the Bishops will eventually   do what they did in Canada…  let the government have its way, with minimal resistance.  Pharmer would like for this prediction to be wrong.


Timothy M. Dolan Elected Head of US Conference of Catholic Bishops

Timothy M. Dolan to Lead Catholic Bishops’ Conference – NYTimes.com.

From the leftist position of the New York Times, choosing Archbishop Dolan as president of the USCCB is a conservative move.

However,  Archbishop Dolan does not appear to be an  actual conservative.

A conservative would recognize that Obamacare would destroy the goose that laid the golden egg,  and that has heavily funded the charitable outreach of the Catholic church.

No mention is made of the obvious fact that Obamacare  will make  our elderly and disabled citizens SHOVEL READY.

Medicare denies more claims for treatment than any private insurer.    The idea that Obamacare will expand coverage while taking on more patients, wasting more money in administration, and driving out health care providers, is a total joke.

Archbishop Dolan is quoted by NYT:

“We should have been doing cartwheels” when the health care bill passed, he said, because the bishops had long supported expanding coverage. But he said the bishops could not endorse the legislation because they concluded there were “unborn babies that were in danger.”

If  that quote is accurate,  it would mean that he’s Lost in the Weeds on this issue.