Total Recall: Hypnotist Winfrey Draws Out Earliest Obama Memories

Obama to Winfrey: ‘I was there … I knew I had been born’ – Chicago Sun-Times.

Obama personally remembered  having been born in Hawaii.  “Of course”, Oprah, who drew out that earliest “memory” says….

Obama joked that he remembered being born in Hawaii.

“Can I just say? I was there, so I knew … that … I knew I had been born. I remembered it.’’

As the audience laughed, Winfrey said, “Of course you did.

Obama made the same kind of joke on April 19,  when he said “We can’t keep on spending more than we take in, it’s going to cause serious damage to the economy.”

See Obama’s April 25th, 2011 version of his birth certificate

White House Releases Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate –

Yes, it is the 4/25/11 edition, a supposed copy of the long form, with no seal, and of course it’s genuine.

Thank Donald Trump for inspiring this latest effort.

Click HERE for a look — and see  the term “African” used to designate a race.

Also amuse yourself with the sharp edged black corner in the upper left of the 4/25/11 version. This is not what happens when you copy out of a book. Try it and see.

Read the story of Kapi’Olani hospital.