Hear a clip of Sarah Palin’s CPAC address at NRO channel
More highlights from CPAC are available HERE.
Wake up in your Right Mind
Hear a clip of Sarah Palin’s CPAC address at NRO channel
More highlights from CPAC are available HERE.
Multiple People Reported Shot in Front of Empire State Building | Video | TheBlaze.com.
A Nut Shot up a gun controlled movie theater in Gun Controlled Aurora, Colorado. The gun control in New York City comes with very strict penalties, and it’s an utter failure, similar to Aurora, Virginia Tech, Ft. Bragg, Columbine…..
Gun control accomplishes only one thing. It increases the body counts of the massacres.
This event outside the Empire State Building in New York City, features a guy, who according to the current guess, was upset after being fired from his job. Ten people are reported to have been shot (so far) with two, including the perpetrator, being killed.
What is Mayor Bloomberg’s solution for this?
We’ve been hearing that New York city spent a much longer period locked in by snow than was necessary, due to an intentional work slowdown by protesting union workers.
A group of supervisors with the Sanitation Dept. is under media fire for partying in a van, drinking beer, next to stranded snow plows and vehicles. Reporting that they had run out of fuel, the guys decided to kick back and enjoy each other’s good company. That the supervisors felt they could do this reveals something about the chain of command in New York City.
Highlighted in the news were the deaths of an elderly person and a newborn baby who could not receive medical attention during the paralysis of transportation.
The New York union death panels deserve credit for hundreds of uncounted deaths, and perhaps the inaction of city government was purposeful.
New York is a bankrupt city, heavy with dependents needing medical and other tax payer assistance. The fastest way to be rid of these people is to allow natural disasters to take their toll. Exacerbating problems by inactivity and unresponsiveness of course increases the number of “natural” deaths.
Your friendly Pharmer knows exactly what happens in a hospital during a snow storm. The rate of new admissions, particularly through the emergency room drops off precipitously. This extends for as long as transportation remains blocked by the weather.
Do people stop having traumatic injuries, chest pains, diabetic keto-acidosis, psychotic episodes, suicide attempts, births, strokes, and other emergent medical conditions just because it snows? Of course not! They simply go unattended and many of them die.
The news will not tell you about Bloomberg’s New York, Union, Death Panel, which has likely stripped hundreds, or even thousands of dependent human individuals from the welfare, medicaid, and social security rolls, by delaying cleanup.
That’s one way to deal with a financial crisis. Expect more of it, especially if health care becomes both government controlled and unionized.
‘Serious Insider’ Tells CNBC’s Kudlow NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Next Treasury Secretary.
It’s Poker time… Obama is shuffling his little deck and dealing out a new white house staff.
If you want to hurl…….. imagine him moving in Michael Bloomberg (the guy who’s running NYC into the ground) as the next secretary of the treasury.