Why do Pro-lifers Photograph Ambulances at Abortion Clinics?

If you click the image below, you’ll see a bigger death certificate of a woman killed by abortion by Reginald Sharpe in 2008.

abortion death certificate 2013-04-01_1121

The problem is that the certificate does not really specify the cause of death. Not only that, it refers to Sharpe’s abortion clinic as a BIRTHING CENTER, on the bottom line. It’s easy to see from this one example that no one is getting an accurate count of women who are killed, along with their babies, at abortion clinics.

Now that pro-lifers are using their cell phones to record the ambulance runs to abortion clinics, and using FOIA requests to obtain 911 call transcripts, people can finally begin to understand that abortion is not nearly as safe as has been represented.
This blog is searchable, and will continue to feature some of the ambulance runs. Operation Rescue, Real Choice ,  Abortion Violence, and Jill Stanek’s blog  are good places to find more information on abortion related health hazards.

abortion ambulance run 1 sharpe 3-23-13 Summit Medical Services abortion clinic

This video is taken at the Summit Medical Services where Reginald Sharpe was in attendance on March 23, 2013. Sharpe is a new hire at this clinic, after closing his own clinics in Detroit and Livonia Michigan.   Many more botched abortions can be tracked using this means, and use of 911 records,  than by ferreting out death certificates and sifting through them to reinterpret the inaccurate information.

A Primer on the Electoral College, and Other Mechanisms of Recovery from Leftism

This Is Background on the Electoral College | Presidential Election | TheBlaze.com. <---review constitutional mechanism for electing the president. Even though the Media called the election for Obama (while Romney still held the popular vote), the final decision hasn't been made. We still have to finish the vote counting, and THEN there's the final step of counting the electoral college votes in January. These are not always predetermined by the state results, though they usually are. Some people whine about the electoral college, but it's actually a pretty good design to avoid pure democracy. Pure democracy is the means by which you can have 49% of the population enslaved to support 51% non-working dependents. The U.S. is pretty close to that right now, though the electoral college remains the most significant tool for preventing the actual tipping over. Even if the electoral college goes Obama’s way, we’re still better off with it, because it still remains as the means to reverse the current trend.

Obamacare, itself, will also assist to reverse the trend of increasing parasitism and dependency on government handouts. Even with the exercise of favoritism, this method of health care is going to trend towards taking the lives of leftists first, simply because they tend to lead more risky lifestyles.

The overall availability of competent health care is going to fall precipitously. This, along with the worsening drug shortages, will select for those who lead more sedate and conservative lifestyles. Overall there will be a selective reduction of leftists.

Planned Parenthood
is also assisting with the removal of social leftists. Operation Rescue has documented 16 botched abortions at those facilities in the last 22 months. Their most recent case was due to an abortion attempt on a woman with an ectopic pregnancy. This kind of thing results from the objection to using sonography to determine the condition of the embryo or fetus prior to the procedure. Understand that this data on botched abortions is collected by a single group which documents random incidents occurring while pro-life witnesses are present. It represents the tip of the iceberg.

The American people need to experience some real pain before they turn themselves around.

the Tea Party needs to supplant the useless and leftist RNC which very purposefully lost the chance to take control of the U.S. Senate. Keep working!