Parents enrolling their kids in the Dry Creek School district in California are asked if their kid was delivered by C section, and if so, they are asked to explain why.
Does anyone have an explanation for this? The school district isn’t telling.
Wake up in your Right Mind
Parents enrolling their kids in the Dry Creek School district in California are asked if their kid was delivered by C section, and if so, they are asked to explain why.
Does anyone have an explanation for this? The school district isn’t telling.
The tale of Salon contributor Mikki Kendall getting an abortion to save her life serves as an example.
She relates a late term (20 weeks) gestational hemorrhage (possibly from placenta abruptio, detachment of the placenta) and postulates that an abortion was needed to save her life.
The trouble is that neither this nor other causes of late term gestational bleeding are addressed with abortion procedures. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, an emergency delivery, usually by C-section, is done, and frequently the baby is lost due to prematurity, or complications stemming from the condition of the mother.
The patient admits to being incompetent to sign permission for surgery, due to her medical condition. Her memory of events also appears to be significantly impaired.
Another important note is that hospital records and discourse utilize the term “abortion” for any end to a pregnancy which involves the baby’s demise prior to birth. This includes natural causes, result of injury or disease, and purposely induced abortions. This is possibly what has led to the notion that a surgical abortion procedure was involved in this case.
If accuracy in describing Kendall’s treatment was desired, medical records could have been utilized in order to correctly relate what had occurred in her treatment.
Instead, the procedure is described simply as an abortion, and utilized by Salon for the political purpose of generating a feeling of need for induced abortions.
This hospital pharmacist can attest that it is quite possible to enter an emergency room which does not have a physician present who can manage late term gestational bleeding. In that case, a physician who can handle the situation is called in. Normally a physician arriving late in the evening under emergent conditions is not accompanied by her own “cadre of students“.
This particular Salon story serves mainly as a means to propagandize the wonders of induced abortion to those who don’t know how late term gestational bleeding is properly managed.