Tim Pawlenty, not wanting to pop up too late, has given up a preview of his Monday announcement, which says he will seek the republican nomination for president.
Tag: candidate
This Candidate Accepts no Group Endorsements
That’s what his volunteers tell me, and it agrees with what has been gleaned from the Independence Caucus interactions.
Travis Hankins, running for Indiana 9th district congressional seat, appears to be Complete and Total Grass Roots Candidate. Earlier than any other candidate, he has been going door to door in his district, meeting and greeting the public.
He bears watching, to see if his astonishing campaign policy leads to success.
Here’s the campaign site: Travis Hankins for Congress – Conservative Leadership.
There is also an announcement that Hankins is beginning a legal challenge to Obamacare, on the grounds that it violates the constitutional concept of the separation of powers.