Bozell: The TeaPartiers are Not His Cup of Tea

Bozell: O’Donnell’s reaction to Piers Morgan was ‘downright bizarre’ –

This above opinion piece, supplied to CNN, perhaps to comfort them over their lost air time with Christine O’Donnell, castigates said former Tea Party candidate  for walking out on an interview with Piers Morgan.

It is worth monitoring which pundits might be  moving over to the elitist side, because ‘we the people’ need to know who our real friends are.

The elitists are identified by their attacks on us  normal folk, the unwashed American citizenry who  feel the call to right the wrongs of government, and particularly  the portion who attempt to run for office.

Mr. Bozell’s opinion was cross posted over at News Busters, where Pharmer found it, and posted the following reply:
Says Mr. Bozell: “O’Donnell had no right to reject the questions.”……….. “O’Donnell had no right to walk off the set.”

Sorry, Mr. Bozell,  this is still America.   O’Donnell was not on that set by contractual agreement, nor force of any law.  Therefore she was free to end the interview at any time.  Also the media people can throw an interviewee off at any time.   Those of us who have played the media game understand how this works.

It might have been in O’Donnell’s best interest to hang around, and smear little Piers with his own questions, but  not many people watch CNN, and she’s probably well aware that her interests lie elsewhere.

As for sexuality issues……. Most of those “positions” were pulled out of the inexperienced  O’Donnell because the media was having a field game with her religious affiliation.

Piers had O’Donnell on for a bit of sex-talk, and she apparently  wasn’t in the mood.   It’s a woman’s Right to say “no”.

Don’t Be Dating those Gawker Boys…. They Kiss and Tell

It might be interesting to listen to the town gossip, but you’d think twice before going out with  him, right???

An anonymous guy– paid four figures for his effort by the Gawker boys, tells all about his date with Christine O’Donnell.  Perhaps he would have gotten more money if there was much to tell about his single night experience.  Sleeper is the word for this story.

More interesting is that Smoking gun crew expended some effort to out the little wuss who kisses and tells for pay. Read up on their efforts if you want to know which guy shouldn’t have a date for the rest of his life.


NOW  feminazi  Mai Shiozaki said  their organization would  pass on this most recent trashing of a lady by the left.  It’s OK to abuse right wing women, who  are considered non-persons.  Later,  NOW realized that their deathwish for conservative ladies  was becoming too transparent.  They  issued a weak statement that “this kind of an attack is an affront to all women”, and reiterated their undying support for Chris Coons, and his formerly bearded marxism.

The NOW grrls  still dream of a strong man who will take their money, tell them what to do, what to eat, which car to drive, and to abort their disabled kids.

O’Donnell: Where is it in the Constitution?

Just do a Search, and find out that Google is not much help on factual news.

Christine O’Donnell debated Chris Coons in Delaware today, and her question about separation of church and state has been mocked by everyone who hasn’t read the U.S. Constitution and the First Amendment.

There is nothing about Separation of church and state in the constitution. The premise of her question is absolutely correct. Go look for yourself.
There is a prohibition against establishing a state church, or a theocracy. And there is protection of freedom of religion. But there is no separation. One does not separate the religion of a person from his activities, since the religion governs the activities.

The lefties are hell-bent to strip us of our free expression of religion, and the little students have been dutifully indoctrinated by their instructors. Widener University Law Students exposed their utter ignorance of the Constitution and the First Amendment, by their laughing response to O’Donnell’s question.

Read the First Amendment for yourself:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

No separation in there.

That idea came from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote, Danbury Baptist Association in 1802 and which the lefties have interpreted for the purpose of expunging the free expression of religion. Interestingly, the letter was an assurance that the churches would continue to be protected from encroachment by the government.

Regarding the presentation of Creationism in the public schools: nothing is wrong with presenting that as a theory concerning how we came to be. Evolution is a theory. Intelligent design is also a theory. Pharmer posits them as equivalent theories, because no one has observed either event occurring, and both are studied and pondered as possibilities by both scientists and theologians. Creationism is a subset idea under the Intelligent design concept, which comes from a rather literal interpretation of the Judeo-Christian religious texts. It does not violate the Constitution to present the various theories of how humans came to be. It is, however a violation of the Constitution to give only one theory as educational dogma, as is done by presenting only Evolution (a theory first brought forth by Charles Darwin, who also acknowledged the Creator in his book).

Those of us read Darwin’s book and who are functional in the field of science, understand that a Theory is not Dogma, and is not to be taught as such, or it will not be questioned, refined and improved.

O’Donnell’s religion is Catholicism. It does not propound a literal interpretation of the Biblical Creation Story as dogma. It does, however teach that there is the Creator who made the universe(s) and designed humans in His own image.

Pharmer, a functional scientist who does not fear freedom of religion, recommends this for a holistic public education curriculum:
The Evolution theory should be presented along with the Creation theories of many different cultures. Let’s have some diversity.

It’s very sad that the students at Widener University, and almost all of the mainstream media in the United States are so completely uneducated about our Constitution.

Pharmer of Indiana is donating to the Delaware campaign of O’Donnell, to honor the spirit of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, as soon as they give a mechanism without requiring employer info. Found one!  Sent $ for both O’Donnell and  Angle.

There is a Dire need for the TEA Party and it must continue.