It Almost Worked On Clarence Thomas, So They’ll Try It On Herman Cain

Exclusive: Two women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior – Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel –

It almost worked to get rid of  Clarence Thomas when he was nominated for Supreme Court.

Herman Cain predicted it: Lefties are going to try it again on him,  not having been able to find evidence of actual unsavory behavior.

They dug up a couple of women who claimed that words or gestures of Herman Cain made them feel uncomfortable and accused him of sexual harassment.

It appears that Herman Cain was not capable of gross sexual imposition, unwanted advances, rape, a Kennedy/waitress/Dodd sandwich, impregnating his mistress while the spouse was being treated for cancer, driving his girlfriend off of a bridge and drowning her, paying for an abortion for his mistress, etc.

This  is too wimpy.  Cain is not disgusting enough to be president!!

The current RNC is likely to  go along with the Dems on this, because they need Romney to be their candidate.  That way they can maintain their current position in Washington DC.  They’ve been bent over so long, it would hurt to straighten up.

5/15/11 Washington Examininer: Cain saw it coming–

“But wouldn’t liberals and Democrats still find a racially-based way to attack Cain?  They certainly found a way to attack Clarence Thomas, the black, conservative Supreme Court justice.”

“They’re going to come after me more viciously than they would a white candidate,” Cain responded.  “You’re right.  Clarence Thomas.  And so, to use Clarence Thomas as an example, I’m ready for the same high-tech lynching that he went through — for the good of this country.”  Cain smiled broadly.  “I’m ready for the same high-tech lynching.”

Update from Washington Examiner: The gesture that got Herman Cain in trouble with an employee is described in an interview with Greta Van Susteren, to be aired at a future date.
“She was in my office one day, and I made a gesture saying — and I was standing close to her — and I made a gesture saying you are the same height as my wife. And I brought my hand up to my chin saying, ‘My wife comes up to my chin.'” At that point, Cain gestured with his flattened palm near his chin. “And that was put in there [the complaint] as something that made her uncomfortable,” Cain said, “something that was in the sexual harassment charge.”
Van Susteren asked whether the woman compla
ined at the time. “I can’t recall any comment that she made, positive or negative.”

NYT Tries and Fails to cover Justice Clarence Thomas

Clarence Thomas spoke at Stetson University in Florida on the recent Supreme Court decision overturning of regulations against free political speech.

His address is artlessly covered in the New York Times,  relying  upon what they know about leftists, and what they think about conservatives in determining  which comments to highlight.

Certainly Justice Thomas, being a legal genius,  has much to tell us  regarding  the constitutionality of limiting free speech,  but with NYT and other left wingers, it’s all about RACE.

Highlighted in the article is a mention of the dark side of regulating corporate speech with the Tillman act, which stifled Republican corporations  apparently  based upon their favoritism to Blacks.

Yes, the Republican party really was the civil rights party,  and, in liberal think, perhaps that ought to  bother conservatives.    However the real problem to conservatives is that  education had dumbed down the citizenry to an intellectually sheeplike status.    Most people don’t know that the Republican party fueled all of the civil rights legislation.  This  educational malpractice has  led to  self destructive attachment of many minorities to the Democrats, who contemptuously patronize them, while at the same time ‘aborting them for crime control’. (Are you having trouble believing that? No problem.   LISTEN to  Senator Dick Durbin explain to Senator Brownback, the need for federal funding for abortion in Washington DC.)

Small businesses and interest groups, who did not have sufficient  legal expertise and financial resources to form the entities which sidestep McCain Feingold, will once more be able to participate in the politcal processes.   In other words,  there is increased power to the grass roots,  and this is most fearsome to the political elites.

The voices  of small business entrepreneurs and their employees, will once more be heard in politics.   Grassroots prolife organizations can also enter the game, and we thank Justice Thomas and his  right-thinking peers.
