Another Motivation for the Tea Party

There have been numerous theories concerning the motivation for Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to excuse the Obamacare insurance mandate penalty as a TAX, and allow Obamacare to continue its job of destroying personal freedom and the U.S. economy.

Here’s a theory that Pharmer has not heard yet, and it seems fairly plausible. Supreme Court watchers suspected from the way the decisions were written, that Roberts had originally opposed the insurance mandate, and that he changed his mind.

Pharmer suspects that Roberts was influenced by old establishment Republicans seeking to galvanize the Tea Partiers behind Romney.

This judicial precedent has inflicted widespread damage.

What should be the response? Conservatives will probably have to choose Romney in order to get rid of Obama. That’s an emergency.

The Tea Party should stay very active in removing crusty old establishment Republicans from their government posts at the National, State and Local levels in all subsequent primary elections. Pharmer intends to assist in this continuing effort.

7/2 Update:  CBS claims to have sources ‘revealing’ that John Roberts changed his opinion one month prior to announcing the Supreme court decision.  There is a claim that Justice Kennedy tried hard to bring him back into line with the conservative judges.

Of significant mention is the treatment by many that Roberts’  insistence that the commerce clause does not justify the insurance mandate is significant in the decision.   In actuality, Roberts opinion on this is a Dictum, and, as such,  it has no value as judicial precedent.  Roberts provided exactly zero judicial  protection against the further encroachment of government on our liberties.

The self flagellators  wish to hang on Roberts’ words that the Court has no job to protect the people from their bad choices of governmental representatives.  (Perhaps he desired to have George W Bush, who appointed him, classified as a bad choice.)

Roberts must  bear  personal responsibility for his own  bad decision,  and  Tea Partiers  hope to place it on the ash heap of history.

Obamacare Mandate to Buy Health Insurance is Struck Down

U.S. Health-Care Law’s Mandate Thrown Out by Judge – Bloomberg.

Judge Henry Hudson of U.S. District Court in Richmond Virginia has struck down a central requirement of Obamacare which was set to go into effect in 2014.   The commerce clause does not give government authority to force a person to buy health care insurance, or anything else.

There are a series of court challenges to Obamacare by 20 states (so far), and this defeat  for the administration marks a significant first blow to the government takeover of one sixth of the economy.

This district  court decision defended Virginia’s Health Care Freedom Act which barred forcing citizens to purchase health care insurance.