Boston Catholic Insider: Romney Lied About Catholic Hospitals Voluntarily Giving out Plan B

Boston Catholic Insider.

Linked above is an extensive article and information from the Boston Catholic Insider on the process by which the Catholic Hospitals of Massachusetts were coerced to give out the morning after pill to rape victims.
It includes a detailed chronology of events, and is worth your time to read.
Romney appears capable of a similar kind of bait and switch that Obama has done to the Catholic Bishops with his birth control/ abortion / sterilization mandate.

Here’s an 12/2005 article from the Pilot Catholic News about Romney’s announcement that his morning after pill mandate applied to Catholic hospitals. Romney had previously stated that religious hospitals would be exempted by a 1975 law that provided protection for conscientious refusal to distribute birth control or participate in abortion. He later decided that there was no such shield, and demanded that the Catholic hospitals comply with the birth control mandate.

Indiana State Legislation Aims to Protect Conscientious Heath Care Workers

Introduced Version, House Bill 1228.

Click above to read House Bill 1228 in its entirety. This constitutes an effort to protect the health care workers who wish not to participate in abortion.

All citizens should be interested in this bill because it also protects the CHOICE of a woman to not get an abortion.

Once Obama-care sets in, there will be considerable coercive forces for a woman to abort in the case of untoward fetal diagnosis and various other economic reasons.

Freedom of choice for health care professionals is a line of protection for the freedom of choice by patients.

Even people who wish for abortion to be available, but not COERCED should be supporting the right of health care professionals to opt out.

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

Obama discussed his health care debacle with his fundraiser audience in St. Louis, creating a permanent record of deception regarding health insurance.

Insurance companies have highlighted coverage of mammograms for years, but in his comments, Obama pretended that his plan would put coverage where there had been none.   Quite the opposite.  With his administration came  a sudden reversal of  medical opinion: USPSTF says women do not need annual mammograms anymore.

Most (socialized) countries no longer offer annual mammograms for women  because their health programs cannot afford it.

“Insurance companies can no longer discriminate against women just because you guys give birth”.  (A little sex confusion from Obama  the orator.)

What Obama was really discussing is the birth control and abortion coverage.   The insurance companies are being forced to cover birth control (including the  forms with abortive mechanism).   Surgical abortion coverage is also in the pipeline despite many denials to the contrary.

To bridge the abortion gap, the FDA approved Ella in Aug 2010.  Ulipristal acetate is an analog of mifepristone, RU-486, now marketed as a morning after pill.  Doses can be accumulated to provide for abortions at home, many of which will be completed at hospitals out of necessity.

In this way, the Obama administration has co opted the cooperation of every hospital in the practice of abortion.

After years of ignoring these warnings about the government coercing participation in abortion,  the US Catholic Bishops have been awakened to deal with the problem.

On their website is a request for people to urge their congressional representatives to  legislate a reversal of this aspect of Obamacare.

The bishops face an uphill battle after the issue of abortion and birth control has been downplayed for so many years. Use of hormonal birth control is rampant among Catholics who were raised in a vacuum of information concerning Catholic teaching on the matter, as well as the means by which the drugs operate. The Bishops are now trying to persuade people who use the pill to tell the government not to have it covered in the health care plan.

New bill could prevent pharmacists from denying contraception prescriptions to customers –

New bill could prevent pharmacists from denying contraception prescriptions to customers –

Two legislators, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y are pushing a bill to deny pharmacists the right of conscience with respect to dispensing hormonal birth control.

Scroll one article down to see what Pharmer had to say about Sebelius pretending that the rights of conscientious objectors would be respected in the Obama birth control plan.


Missouri Pro-Life Bill Protects Pharmacists Conscience Rights |

Missouri Pro-Life Bill Protects Pharmacists Conscience Rights |

Missouri State Rep.  David Sater has introduced a conscience protection bill for pharmacists, who opt not to sell abortive drugs.

It is of course, opposed by Planned Parenthood, whose assessment of which drugs are abortive changes depending on the audience.

This bill is to address problems pharmacists have faced in the past for refusing to dispense drugs which end human life at its earliest stages.

Heather Williams, an adherent Baptist was fired in 2006 by Target in Missouri for refusing to dispense the morning after pill, a drug which can stop the implantation of an early human embryo, thereby killing it.