The American Spectator : Farmers 1, Smelt 0 — For Now

The American Spectator : Farmers 1, Smelt 0 — For Now.

After many  bankrupties and foreclosed farms, 85,000 acres of lost food production, dead fruit and almond trees,  a federal judge, Oliver Wanger,  has ruled against a Fish and Wildlife Service water restriction to the Central Valley.

This economic disaster was all about supposed population declines of  a two inch California Delta  smelt, and a guess as to  the cause.  Water exports to the Central Valley were cut off for four years causing masssive crop and orchard destruction, and 40% unemployment in the immediate area.

Certainly the environmentalists, hell bent on maintaining the destruction, (because there are too many humans), will be proceeding to the 9th circuit court with this case.

Government Incompetence on Parade

FBI agents have been interviewing members of the Messianic Jewish Bible study group attended by Scott Roeder, the man who killed abortionist George Tiller in 2009. They have not yet wearied of looking for possible conspirators in the killing. Additionally, Roeder has been sentenced to life, with no possibility of parole for 50 years, thus establishing Tiller as more significant and important than ordinary humans.

Is such attention ever accorded to the women who have been murdered for refusing to get an abortion??

The government steadfastly ignored  the multitudinous threats to assassinate George W Bush, and supplications for help in this endeavor on the internet, as well as IRL. The movie on this topic is considered art. A chronicle of the most currently acceptable extremism exists at  Michelle Malkin’s site.  This acceptance  would not be the case for any  publications about assassinating an abortionist.

Portland, Oregon, U.S. capital of sex slavery, trudges on with its two vice cops.

The ongoing saga of the Delta smelt, and agricultural ruin in the San Joaquin valley, caused by our government is available HERE.  The previous dust bowl conditions leave the area more susceptible to mudslides from the current conditions of flooding.

The government might not have found Hillary leftie enough as Secretary of State, as it appears she may be stepping down.   Has Obama reached record turnover of his administration yet?

The TSA continues to fondle kids, the disabled and elderly who wish to fly the friendly skies, while skipping screenings for the population most associated with unwanted explosives, as well as those with the most opportunity for placing and transporting the devices.