The U.S. Divorce Rate is Not Really 50 Percent

Number, Timing and Duration of Marriages and Divorces  up to 2009

Steven Crowder says that Liberals need to stop lying about divorce.  He suggests that the inflated numbers we’ve been hearing for many decades may be related to liberals excusing their own failures.  MEEOOOOWWW.   Here’s his opinion.

Where Crowder gets his idea is from the top link, a collection of data on marriage and divorce from the Survey of Income and Program Participation, (SIPP).

At worst, it appears that the divorce rate  approached a max of 40 percent, has been declining, and is at its lowest since 1970. 

There’s the suggestion that government bureaucrats keep themselves employed as administrators of social programs by touting inflated divorce statistics.

The peak is 22.8 divorces per 1000 couples in 1979, which fell to 16.7 divorced per 1000 in 2005.

Wasserman-Schultz: Minorities Need Government Assistance

Racist/Bigot alert:

“There is a reason that the Democratic Party is far more diverse than the Republican Party, because the natural home, politically on major issues to Hispanics, to women, to Jews, to Asian-Americans, the diverse spectrum — to African Americans.”

“The entire spectrum of diversity is comfortable in the Democratic Party because we stand up for the issues that matter to those communities and Republicans shun them.”

via Wasserman Schultz: “Natural Home” For Minorities Is Democratic Party | RealClearPolitics.

Translation:  Minorities need the government assistance and population control methods  that Democrats provide, using money that the U.S no longer has.  

The success of the Democrat party overall  has depended upon their misrepresentation of their activities and agenda.   As more people turn off the leftist media, and become more attentive to the misdeeds of the government,  Dems  will lose their grip on power.