Mayor Bloomberg is Birth Controlling the New York Girls

Mona Davids, head of the NYC Parents Union has spoken out against Mayor Bloomberg’s birth control program for high schools in New York’s poorer neighborhoods.   Increasingly, the school health centers are handing out the morning after pill to sexually active students.  This year, 12,721 doses of Plan B  have been handed out, as well as numerous other forms of birth control, including intrauterine devices.  Says Ms. Davids, “I’m in shock. What gives the mayor the right to decide, without adequate notice, to give our children drugs that will impact their bodies and their psyches? He has purposely kept the public and parents in the dark with his agenda.”
NYC has spent 2.7 million dollars dispensing pills to the population which is least likely to use them as directed. 2117 Depo-Provera injections have been administered in 2012 alone to girls whose parents had inadequate or no notification. This drug is prominently associated with osteoporosis, particularly in teen users, because it blocks the usual bone deposition that occurs in those years of growth.
School officials refused to discuss this project with the New York Post, whose reporters found out through FOIA requests that Bloomberg’s birth control project is much larger than originally expected, expanding to 40 school based clinics.

Read more of Susan Edelman’s article at the N.Y. Post.

Mona Davids Susan Edelman article NY Post 2-4-13

Birth Controlling the High School Herds in New York City

EXCLUSIVE: New York City high schools giving students morning-after pills and other birth control, without telling parents –

The Department of Education has expanded their “CATCH” Program (which involves giving birth control pills, Plan B and Depo-Provera to girls without parental consent) to 13 New York high schools. Parents can opt out of the program by FINDING a piece of paperwork allowing them to opt out, and signing it. The so-called information telling parents of this form has resulted in only a 1-2 percent response.

Prescriptions for the drugs are supplied by Health Department physicians. This can be obtained by seeing a school nurse, and taking a pregnancy test.
From the NY Post:
“We can’t give out a Tylenol without a doctor’ s order,” said a school staffer. “Why should we give out hormonal preparations with far more serious possible side effects, such as blood clots and hypertension?”

Last year, New York City boasted a 64% abortion rate among 7000 girls under 17 who got pregnant.
Watch and see if this program of giving out pills at high schools has any effect on the statistics.

Pharmer wonders who is the brainiac behind this new “CATCH-bugs” program, which is likely to boost the incidence of STDs in the area, now that girls will have less incentive to abstain or use barriers.

The following schools are listed by the NY Post as participating in the program to pass out birth control hormones to kids without parental consent. Adlai Stevenson and Grace Dodge in The Bronx; Boys and Girls, Clara Barton, W.H. Maxwell Career and Technical Education, Abraham Lincoln and Paul Robeson in Brooklyn; John Adams, Newcomers, Queens Vocational and Technical, and Voyagers in Queens; High School of Fasion Industries in Chelesa, and Port Richmond on Staten Island.
Seward Park Campus in lower Manhattan was dropped from the program because the school medical office couldn’t keep up with the business.

On the Pill? Your Partner Might Not be Smelling the Real You

The Tricky Chemistry of Attraction –

WSJ presents a body of research suggesting that the use of hormonal birth control has affected mate selection in both directions.  Two main factors are possibly  altered.  The natural propensity to select (by smell) more genetically and immunologically different partners is  attenuated by the pill.   Animal studies indicate that signals of female genetic health are possibly attenuated  (and not picked up by males)  in those taking long term progestin birth control.

Females on the pill tend to select more metrosexual men as partners, then tend to feel attractions to OTHER men when they go off the pill and ovulate.    Those not on the pill tend to choose more masculine men as partners, and are less inclined to show an attraction to other men while ovulating.

Bottom line………from data thus far, the use of hormonal contraception  is possibly wussifying humanity, and producing a sort of devolution to a species less genetically diverse and immunologically resilient, by altering the natural chemical bases of attraction.