Obama’s Arranged Marriage

Jesse Jackson, Wright ‘arranged’ Obama marriage.

World Net Daily continues on in its Obama saga, the first article of which corroborated the Newsweek cover of our first gay president.

The above linked article features interviews with three former members of the Trinity United Church of Christ who detail the political job appointments of Michelle Obama, and her auspicious arranged marraige with Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama once claimed that he met Michelle in class at law school but they appear to have actually been introduced in Chicago in 1989 during Obama’s summer law internship. WND interviewees in Chicago are credited with the info that Jesse Jackson selected Michelle as a match for Obama, and Jeremiah Wright agreed to the combination. The interviewees also maintain that Obama kept up his gay relationships after the marriage took place, with one, dubbed Hazel, telling her eyewitness story in Chicago since 1996.

Hillbuzz: Is Barack Obama Gay??

Out of the Closet: Obama is the first gay president

Drudge Keeps Bringing Up Obama’s Weight Loss


Special Matchmaking Service at Obama’s Trinity United Church

Trinity Church members reveal Obama shocker!.

The No Surprise Department, Down on the Pharm, brings you World Net Daily’s report on the Down Low Club at Trinity United Church. It seems that former church members are unloading info about Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s secret matchmaking talents. Their claim is that Obama has enjoyed the ‘benefits’ of this services also called ‘the program’. Wright’s program allowed Black men to live a double life as gay, and be married to women, in order to retain a place in Black society, which generally sees homosexual practice as sinful.

Chicago insider, Kevin DuJan of Hillbuzz also weighs on with the details of how this works, and with info about Mayor Rahm Emmanuel.