Rahm Emanuel wins Chicago mayor “race” – Chicago Sun-Times.
Pharmer was never in doubt of this since the time Emanuel was sent back to Chicago by the Obama Administration.
A search of this blog will demonstrate that.
Wake up in your Right Mind
Rahm Emanuel wins Chicago mayor “race” – Chicago Sun-Times.
Pharmer was never in doubt of this since the time Emanuel was sent back to Chicago by the Obama Administration.
A search of this blog will demonstrate that.
Though another mayoral campaign opponent has been kicked off the ballot for questionable reasons, the non-resident Rahm Emmanuel is back in the race per today’s EXPECTED Illinois Supreme Court decision.
Sen Carol Moseley Braun, a primary opponent of Emanuel will occupy the usual place for Black democrats under the Obama Administration. Under the Bus with Rep. James E. Clyburn she goes!
Remember Pharmer TOLD you.… Emanuel is to be the appointed Mayor of Chicago. The field will be cleared for him.