Women on Contraceptive Pill Should Pay $1,500 a Year More Tax – Forbes.
Forbes contributor Tim Worstall has proposed that women who use birth control pills should be taxed similarly to other individuals and entities which pollute the water. This is based on the endocrine disruption effects attributed to hormones which make their way into the general water supply from the urine of pill users.
It’s all about saving the fish from the sex altering effects of steroid hormone metabolites. The green thing do do is to clean up the water, and stick contraceptive users with the tab. The profit margins from pill production are not high enough to cover the clean up so Mr. Worstall takes manufacturers off the hook.
Unmentioned in the top linked article is the gender bending effects that the feminizing hormones might be having on male humans.….. This might be the impetus for the urgency to clean the water.