Report on Grass Roots Prolife Stalwarts in the Philippines

Philippines Pro-Life Advocates Close 2011 With Victories |

Pro-life people  of the Philippines (which constitute a clear majority) have expended considerable personal resources and effort to battle increasingly abortophilic politicians, and the money and resources flowing in from outside of the country.

Filipinos have been working to turn back efforts of the population controllers to pass a so called reproductive health bill since 1998.  It would be nice if they could use this time to serve their own economic needs, rather than fight meddlesome outside groups such as UNFPA, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank, JICA, European Union, IPPF etc. ,  who believe in curing poverty by killing the victims.

The article linked at the top  is Worth Your Attention, as it details the efforts of a caravan trip through the Philippines,  starting in Mindanao, and heading northward to Manila, which raised additional awareness about the  “RH” bill and its mandates.   The legislative session ended in December without passing the RH bill.   Consideration of the same sex marriage bill has been postponed indefinitely.


IMF Shadow Looms as Irish Sacrifice to Avoid Bailout – Bloomberg

IMF Shadow Looms as Irish Sacrifice to Avoid Bailout – Bloomberg.

The Irish see cleaning up their own mess as a necessary price of existing as an independent nation.

They’re just saying no to a bailout from the European union and the international monetary fund.

Pay cuts for public servants, and welfare recipients are the order of the day, as well as downward economic circumstances for those in the private sector.

Interviewees in the above article are seeing their sacrifices as an expression of patriotism.

Don’t you wish our U.S. lefties felt the same?