Officer Steve Ermis and his supervisor Sergeant Minnicks of the Temple Police Dept in TX, have really stepped in it.
They arrested Army Master Sgt. Christopher J. Grisham who was on a 10 mile hike with his 15 year old son, fulfilling an Eagle scout requirement.
Someone had reported “suspicious” armed people to the cops, and this caused Officer Ermis to disarm and arrest Sgt. Grisholm in the sight of his son, who was operating a camera. Readers can see a video of the entire event HERE.
The Blaze is carrying a more detailed account.
Seargeant Grisholm has had charges reduced from resisting arrest (because he didn’t) to a misdemeanor charge which essentially corresponds to talking too much while being arrested. His guns, which were not carried illegally nor unsafely, have not yet been returned to him. Grisholm mentions that his arrest was on March 16, 2013, five “days after he urged the Temple City Council to declare that citizen rights to keep and bear arms will not be infringed“.
You know how much members of the military make, so check out Grisholm’s legal fund HERE. to defend 2nd amendment rights, to spank these keystone Temple cops for arresting him, taking his guns, and for detaining his son illegally for interrogation.
Tag: Fort Hood
Abandoned: the Fort Hood Victims of Major Hasan
Fort Hood Hero Says Obama ‘Betrayed’ Her, Other Victims – ABC News.
The Obama administration has sought to save health care funds by downgrading the shootings of Ft. Hood as “workplace violence”.
Though Obama saw fit to kill Maj. Nidal Hasan’s alleged instigator, Anwar al-Awlaki, and his underage son by a drone attack, calling them terrorists, he oddly would not treat the veterans who were killed or wounded in the attack as is customary in the military. Many of them were forced to leave the military as a result of their injuries, but they do not have the usual benefits and medical coverage that would be accorded to wounded veterans.
Some are having to find private physicians to treat their ongoing injuries. Sgt. Kimberly Munley, who was shot three times while confronting Hasan, has been laid off. Her partner Sgt. Mark Todd is the one credited with the five shots which stopped Hasan’s rampage.
Munley is the veteran who was used for an Obama photo-0p, sitting next to Michelle Obama, at the 2010 state of the union address. She now feels betrayed, and let down after Obama’s promise that the victims would be well taken care of.
A lawsuit is in the works against the military, as is a movie about the Ft. Hood shooting. You can learn more about this group which is among the thousands of Obama photo-op “victims” who were promised administrative ‘love’ and federal aid, and were subsequently abandoned. CLICK HERE!
Massacres Not a Surprise to Authorities.
Massacres are useful for a government which desires more authority and control over the lives of its subjects. Therefore, there is a lack of motivation to use the data which is already available from their already authorized breaches of citizens’ privacy.
The FBI had been tracking Wade Michael Page, the perpetrator of the Sikh temple massacre, for 10 years. He is said to be member of a supposed white supremacist band, and the media, has labeled him as right wing, without actual knowledge. As we know, interviews of white supremacists in the past showed that many are democrat supporters, and therefore not right wing. Michael Page was demoted and discharged from the army.
James Holmes’ psychiatrist alerted the university police that her patient was a potential danger weeks before the Batman massacre took place. For a psychiatrist to get up the nerve to breach patient confidentiality, there has to be a huge indication that the patient is about to do something harmful to himself or others.
“Work Place Violence” perpetrator, Major Nidal Malik, Hasan, (Fort Hood Shooter) was passed up the chain in the Army by departments which wanted to get rid of him, then let loose at Ft. Hood, where the military personnel were not permitted to be usefully armed. Both the Army and the FBI received sharp criticism in a Senate report for failure to act on obvious warning signs and reports that Hasan was radicalized, and a potential threat.
It’s time for law enforcement to stop suppressing the free speech of peaceful protestors, and attend to the reports they are receiving about people who are truly capable of mass killing. The politically correct ban on profiling instead has them checking the suprapubic catheters or breast implants of travelers at airports, and ignoring what’s in front of their noses. Unfortunately they are subject to a government which sees terroristic attacks as useful for converting the citizenry into cowering sheep, unable to defend themselves.