Second in the Live Action Series of films on Sex Selection Abortion features the Margaret Sanger Center, Planned Parenthood’s late term abortion clinic in Manhattan, NY.
The employee, Randi Coun, in this video recommends chorionic villus sampling to determine the sex of the child. She reiterates that planned unparenthood aborts for any reason, including sex selection.
Tag: gendercide
How Planned Parenthood “Helps” Women -Live Action Films
by KILLING their unborn little girls.
Here it is…… Planned Parenthood, Austin Texas, and there is no mistake about the assistance being given to this woman, to abort at five months if the baby is a girl, and try again immediately for a boy. Lady Shredder, “Rebecca”, might be obtaining some gratification in recommending a late term abortion, to be sure it is actually a girl who will be torn up.
You knew it was coming…… after the latest discussion of sex selection abortions, and Planned Parenthood’s paranoia that they were going to be stung by Live Action concerning their sex selection abortions. By the time planned parenthood gets that feeling, it’s already too late.
The definition of equal rights for women, in the minds of our feminazis is to be able to kill unborn girls, because they’d prefer a preponderance of boys. It’s Stockholm syndrome by proxy. It must be a severe and insidious kind of abuse which has twisted their brains into pretzels.
The ultimate control of women is exhibited by getting them to preferentially kill girls and call it women’s rights.
Live Action Petition Protect Our Girls