New York Continues to Drive Away Visitors

NYC Police Throw Navy SEAL Into Psych Ward For Claiming… He’s a SEAL |

This time a Virginia man who is a Navy Seal was arrested and thrown into a psych ward for claiming that he was a Navy Seal.

It’s all about the gun grabbing.  New York is wild against guns, and military personnel are not supposed to pass through New York with their armaments.

Shaun Day was stopped  for running a red light. in Manhattan.   The police found a reason to search his truck and found his 9mm semiauto pistol and three magazines of ammo.

Navy personnel visited and picked up Day from the psych ward of Bellevue Hospital.  Charges against him have been “deferred”, whatever that means.

Beware the New UN Gun Agreement

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms – Larry Bell – The Bell Tells for You – Forbes.   <—read up!

This is something that you should bring up with your senators, since they have to ratify these kinds of agreements.

Under UN RULE, the ownership, acquisition, and use of firearms would be much more restricted, difficult and expensive.

This agreement violates the Second Amendment and constitutes a major gun grab.  Over on the sidebar, and RIGHT HERE, you can find a link to get a hold of your Senators so get busy.