Journal News Hires Armed Guards – Will Their Names Get Published Also?

The Gannett owned Journal News of New York published a map showing names and locations of gun owners in Rockland and Putnam Counties. This fueled a vigorous backlash, including bloggers publishing the names and addresses of that news rag. A flood of negative mail and commentary has deluged the leftie press, shocking Editor Caryn A. McBride. As a result, the Journal News now has hired ARMED guards from New City’s RGA Investigations Company.

Pharmer is amused.

Illinois: Making the Names of Gun Owners Public

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Why is the Associated Press Pushing to Make Names of Gun Owners Public?.

The AP has submitted a request for a list of all the gun owners in Illinois.    The State Police are not in favor of releasing the info, while it appears that the Attorney General is in favor.

Greg Gutfield, the author of the above linked article, notes the probably unintended consequence: causing more citizens of Illinois to buy guns for self protection, and so that their homes would not be targeted by burglars, etc.

Pharmer appended the following comment to his article:

Bingo, Greg Gutfield.   This is hilarious.   Picture rich leftist ideologues being parted from their most prized possessions.     One other wrinkle is that we could find out how many leftists are hypocrites, and are packing heat………… but only if the gun owner list is comprehensive.