Kathleen Sebelius Demands Investigation Into Her Own Website

The very disengaged  HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is calling for an investigation into her own failed Obamacare website.  Media claims that this wreck is working better, but white hat hackers consider it to be a security nightmare.  (It’s a giant HIPAA violation, leaking your data to anyone who cares to look, and even to some who don’t.)

She is asking her inspector general to look into the contracting process, management, performance and payment issues that caused it to be the laughingstock of the world.   Not addressed is the fact that it was launched when it was only 60 percent built.

Those who sign up are told to confirm with their insurance companies that they are actually signed to policies, after purchasing them on the site.

Perhaps Sebelius paid about as much attention to this process, as Obama, and maybe it would not have helped if Obama had visited with her more often in the White house.

The Liverpool Care Pathway is Applied to Babies as Well as Terminally Ill and Elderly

Great Britain is killing about 130,000 HHS patients per year using the Liverpool Care Pathway, which is really a program to more quickly end the life of patients who are considered hopeless.

The article below, from the Daily Mail is a must click, because it gives a view from the health care professionals who have witnessed the Liverpool Care Pathway in action.  One doctor reveals that the parents of  children with severe illnesses are often pressured into accepting the Liverpool pathway.  They hope for a rapid, humane death for their babies, but wind up watching them shrivel away from starvation and dehydration over a period which averages 10 days duration.

This manner of ending human lives is essential for cost containment in government run health systems.   Read more about it below.

Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor’s haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan | Mail Online.

43 Catholic Organizations file 12 lawsuits against the HHS mandate

Forty-three Catholic organizations file lawsuits against HHS mandate :: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

Eleven or more lawsuits had already been filed against the Health and Human Services mandate to pay for birth control/abortion/sterilization, and now 43 more Catholic organizations have piled on.
Kathleen Sebelius, who had no idea that her mandate would be an unconstitutional problem, will be kept busy with depositions. Perhaps this will occupy some of her time and prevent her from doing further damage to health care and the economy.
The University of Steubenville, which has had to drop health coverage for its employees, is among the educational institutions suing the the Obama administration.

Obama Administration Sued, Made New Hampshire Fund Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com

Obama Admin Sued, Made New Hampshire Fund Planned Parenthood | LifeNews.com.

New Hampshire cancelled a 1.8 million dollar grant to planned parenthood, due to concerns that part of that money would be supporting the abortion portion of their business.

Obama decided to make up for this by granting a 1 million dollar replacement with your federal tax dollars.   This was funded through cuts in funding to neighboring health care providers.  In addition, this money was provided without the usual process of allowing other agencies to compete for the grant.

New Hampshire Right to Life has been looking into this unusual million dollar grant, and is suing the Sebelius HHS, because this very ‘opaque’ agency refused its Freedom of Information  request for information.

The Obama administration has also opposed a Texas attempt to defund planned parenthood.

Indiana is fighting the HHS threat to defund its other health programs because of the state’s decision to defund the country’s largest abortion provider.

The answer is:  YES your federal tax dollars are being used to fund abortion.  Obama is fulfilling his promise to keep ABORTION at the center of his health care program.

Obama Sez: His ‘Healthcare Doesn’t Fund Abortions’, He Will Force the States to Fund It.

“One more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place,” the president said in an address to a joint session of Congress to sell health care reforms. -September 10, 2009 FOXNews.com

Obama’s intention, as expressed to the State of Indiana, is that he will force the states to fund abortion with their taxpayer dollars.

The Obama Dept of Health and Human Services  says that the Indiana decision to remove tax funding of abortion providers,  denies needed health care services to  medicaid recipients. Indiana has 28 Planned Parenthood clinics and many hundreds  of other qualified providers  to deliver real  health care to women in the 21 counties affected by the defunding of abortion clinics.  The argument from the HHS  is that defunding planned parenthood restricts choice of providers to  patients dependent on medicaid  funds for their treatment.  (Pharmer notes: this will be the ultimate effect  of Obamacare on everyone).  Here’s the Letter from the Obama HHS  medicaid director  Donald Berwick to Indiana’s  counterpart,  Patricia Casanova.

If Indiana stops funding abortion clinics, as the Federal government is supposed to have done,  the Obama administration intends to cut off  federal funding for all medicaid  patients in the state of Indiana.   His Dept of Health and Human Services, run by the radically pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius is expected to  threaten  all the states similarly.

The message is loud and clear.  We fully  understand that  providing abortion is a prime directive of the Democrat Party, and its importance supercedes that of all other health care.

Perhaps the states will tire of the federal usurpation of their rights, and dictatorial control by the federal government. It appears thus far that Indiana will be putting up a fight.

Let’s hope the state  doesn’t  cave as Texas did to the TSA gropers.

Weekend Business: Repeal of Bush’s Conscience Protections for Health Care Professionals

It’s a whisper in the news……. You’d have to dig hard to find it.  Obama gutted the  regulations Bush had put into place to protect conscientiously objecting health care professionals from discrimination.

There were essentially no new provisions in Bush’s executive order, except to cause institutions to worry about receiving federal funds if they discriminated against health care professionals who refuse to kill humans in their practice.

Obama has returned the situation to its previous state:  toothless conscience legislation, nearly unenforceable because  unemployed health care professionals usually lack  funds to bring civil redress when incidents of discrimination occur. Also,  what remains of “protection” will only apply to what is obviously recognized as abortion to a layman,   and sterilization.   Objection to chemical abortions at the early stages of human development, and use of various biotech medical devices, unethically derived drugs, vaccines, transplants, implants  (from killed humans) will not be covered.

Actually the situation is worse than it was previously, as the department of Health and Human Services has utterly no interest in hearing or cataloging incidents of discrimination.   The head of this department, Kathleen Sebelius   had no interest in enforcing medical standards applicable to abortion clinics in her home state of Kansas.

It is fortunate  that the new Congress has shown some interest in this situation, otherwise it might be missed entirely by the public.

The actual  repeal is gibberish,  unless one has intimate  familiarity with the underlying laws and regulations.  Heritage Foundation has pretty much put it in English.

The Sebelius HHS will effectively leave conscientiously objecting health care professionals without protections,  and  all should be prepared to find new jobs or careers should a conflict between the employers mandates and personal conscience ever arise.

As  previously, the protection of conscience for health care professionals will largely lie in the power of the internet, to expose  institutions  which  discriminate against health care professionals who refuse to kill, and reduce private business, and  the sources of charitable   donations, funds and grants.

Vanderbilt Doubletalk On Their Nursing Residency Requirements

Nursing Residency applicants to Vanderbilt’s ‘woman’s health track’ are required to sign a statment containing the following bolded text.

I am aware that I may be providing nursing care for women who are having” procedures including terminations of pregnancy.

“It is important that you are aware of this aspect of care and give careful consideration to your ability to provide compassionate care to women in these situations,” the acknowledgment states. “If you feel you cannot provide care to women during this type of event, we encourage you to apply to a different track of the Nurse Residency Program to explore opportunities that may best fit your skills and career goals.”

Naturally this would be offputting to any pro-life  applicants, who would probably decide to choose another residency program.  This might be the actual  intention.

John Howser, the medical center spokesman  claimed  that it does not mean to suggest that residents with religious or moral objections will be required to participate in the actual procedures. He , in classic double talk noted that nursing students are not required to sign a similar letter of acknowledgment.

What is the difference?   Why require something of the residents which is not required of the nursing students in that track?

Care for patients who are having abortions would naturally be expected to include assisting with the procedure, unless specifically stated  (in writing) otherwise.   The verbal assurances of Howser, the media frontman, cannot be construed to assure nurses who object to abortion that their conscientous objection will be respected, and that they will not be penalized for it.

David French, senior counsel with the  Alliance Defense Fund is addressing this issue currently, seeking rewording of the application materials for Vanderbilt’s nursing residency program.   The basis for immediate  legal repercussions are the existing  federal restrictions on institutions WHICH ACCEPT FEDERAL GRANT MONEY.

In the era of Obama,  one cannot necessarily  expect enforcement of said restrictions.   A free market  solution is for  the (more competent) pro-life nurses and prospective nursing students  to avoid application to Vanderbilt.  There are many more  educational opportunities available.

Obama Admin Still Working to Rescind Conscience Rights on Abortion | LifeNews.com

Obama Admin Working to Rescind Conscience Rights on Abortion | LifeNews.com.

Obama began work to rescind Bush’s executive order and HHS regulations to protect the conscience rights of health care workers who refuse to kill their patients at the very beginning of life, immediately upon taking office.   He was so busy with his unconstitutional, health care debacle that this project has been in limbo.

Not to worry.  A physician shortage is integral to the rationing of care, and this can be exacerbated by denying conscience rights to those health care providers who refuse to kill in the practice of medicine.  Obama intends to  complete this project, having Health and Human Services rules promulgated  in early 2011.  Look for it.