The Alliance Defense Fund has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in New Jersey against the University of Medicine and Dentistry on behalf of 12 nurses. The University has been threatening nurses with loss of their jobs if they refuse to train for and assist in abortions. This is a due to a recent change in policy and supervision of the nurses.
The suit asks for removal of federal funding for the hospital until it ceases religious discrimination against the nurses whose beliefs forbid participation in killing the unborn. It asks also for the hospital to return 60 million in federal funding which it received in 2011, attorney fees and relief for the nurses as the Court sees fit.
A Copy of the Complaint filed with the United States District Court in NJ can be found HERE.
Pharmer congratulates the 12 Nurses who have distinguished themselves by courageously taking action against the hospital, and offers prayers for their success. (Be encouraged. There is life, and even a job after this kind of lawsuit. Been there, done that.)