“This is a big #^@&(N deal”…as Joe Biden would say. A Federal court is blocking Obamanator’s HHS mandate for O’Brien Industrial Holdings, which operates several smaller companies: Christy Industrial Services, Christy Minerals Co., and Christy Refractories Co. The owner, Frank O’Brien is a Catholic, who wishes to adhere to his religious beliefs in operating his businesses.
The three judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a preliminary injunction which blocks the HHS mandates unconstitutional effects upon this privately owned company. Among the many lawsuits challenging the HHS mandate, this is the first decision rendered by a Federal appeals court.
Frank Manion of the American Center for Law and Justice is handling this case, which was first dismissed by a Federal district court judge before it was taken before the Eighth Circuit Court. The ACLJ has filed two other lawsuits against the Federal Government regarding the HHS mandate, and numerous Amicus briefs for other court challenges.
Federal Court Temporarily Blocks HHS Contraception Mandate for Private Business Owner | CNS News.