ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, the Bug eyed Nancy, claims. Please watch this clueless woman. Remember, Obamacare doesn’t kick in until after that guy is gone from office. The Dems intend to be retired in other countries by the time the people who lack religious constraints understand what has happened, and are mad enough to choke them.
Docs cut work hours as primary care shortage looms – Yahoo! News. Already a review of what’s going on in Obamatown shows that government regulation has created a bunch of employee docs who are not willing to work the long hours they once did. With unionized health care, that 400,000 extra bodies (of a quality you would not want providing care for you) will not be providing the increase in care that is needed.
Obamanator met the Republicans today, gave them very little time to speak, and informed them of what we already knew. Their opinion (AND THE PLAN WHICH THEY PROVIDED TO HIM IN ADVANCE) do not matter one bit.
The DEMOCRAT debacle will be rammed down our throats using the NUCLEAR OPTION which the Democrats decried so vehemently,, (calling it a constitutional crisis) in 2005. All over the net you can find video of Obama and Dems speaking against the process used for budget reconciliation, which allows no filibuster. The democrats will be using this same process to force through the Obamacare, which is opposed by 75 % of Americans.