David Lampo, VP of the Log Cabin Republicans, makes an appeal for the Tea Party to address and support gay legal “equality”. He seems to have overlooked that legal equality between males and females has never existed, mainly because the sexes are not the same. (Note the current hot issue of sex selection abortions.) The most optimum social condition would be that the sexes are regarded and respected as equally valued humans.
Take a look at Lampo’s appeal, (which is not exactly libertarian) here:
Lampo: Is the Tea Party Nation Anti-Gay? | TheBlaze.com.
Pharmer understands the more immediately practical reasons why gay people join Tea Party side, under current social conditions.
There are numerous gay people who understand that it’s safer and more sensible to side with conservatives for both social and economic reasons.
Many conservatives disagree with the kind of sex that gay people prefer, but are infinitely less likely to cull gays from the human herd through health care rationing and abortion, (should a propensity towards gayness ever become prenatally diagnosable).
Conservatives will respect the rights of gays to remain alive, because they are human.
The lefties, often due to reflexive hatred of Christianity, have made friends with extreme groups who have shown a propensity for stoning or chopping the heads off of gay people.
Which is worse, having a finger wagged at you, or being killed? Yes, no matter your sex preference, it is safer to hang around people who think that willfully killing humans is wrong.