Matt Lewis Says ‘They’ Are Trying To ‘Palinize’ Sen. Marco Rubio | Mediaite.
Tommy Christopher is afraid that the republican hope for 2016, Marco Rubio, will be savaged by the media if he doesn’t know which magic meme of the day to recite when questioned about matters of faith and science. This is politics in the era of Obamigula. Of special concern is a GQ interview asking Rubio how old he thinks the Earth is. Rubio gave a decent answer, mentioning that the age of the earth is in dispute, and that it has nothing to do with the current economic problems of the U.S. That’s not magic enough for Christopher.
Journalosts who have zero training or understanding of the scientific method, seem endlessly to bloviate and “redund-iate” on matters of science, thereby lowering the IQ of their readers.
Normal people, to Christopher (not his real name) are those who think that they know how old the earth is by reading a single one of the theories about its age.
A person who has a real training in science would know that the age of the earth is not definitively determined from available evidence, with this being apart from the religious body of creation allegories, parables or metaphors. However, to be “normal” in Christopher’s mind is to accept one possible theory of the earth’s age and declare it to be “fact”.
We have endless other “normal” people, whose intelligence has been attenuated by reading journalostic output, who are ready to gut the world economies, due to a belief in anthropogenic global warming (now called climate change). Fraud after fraud has been perpetrated by global -warming-climatologists, yet the faith of the “normal” remains unshaken.
The idea that stress of violence is not conducive to fertility has been morphed into a mechanism of “sperm killing magic” by the medically illiterate journalost, linked above, and then falsely attributed to Todd Akin. Other journolosts, not criticized above, have actually promulgated the idea that rape is a process which increases fertility, from rape claim data acquired in countries where premarital sex is still bears considerable social stigma. Other U.S. studies have been cited, which were carried out after 1993, when a rape claim would bring medicaid funding for abortion. Such a situation of conditionally funded abortion has made Illinois rather famous for rape. (Christopher’s “Normal” people wouldn’t understand the problem with such study designs.)
Christopher joins the chorus of the ignorant, still ripping on Sarah Palin, and earns the undying disrespect of yours truly, who fully understands why Palin might not want to read their output. She was exposed to training in their methodology of crap-sausage production.
Hurt journalostic feelings is likely the reason why the chorus still has their knives out for Palin.