Surprise: Obama Goes Shooting ‘All the Time,’ He Claims.
He says the shoot-fests happen at Camp David.
It’s Man’s Country.
Pharmer is wondering where Matt Drudge, Jerome Corsi and Kevin DuJan will run with this.
Here’s one answer…..
Breitbart tries to keep it clean.

UPDATE….. We are laughing at New Republic for trying to pawn off a fake photo of Obama wielding a shotgun, and almost keeling over. Could this have been their idea of what happens to him after firing? Caught at The Weekly Standard.

MORE UPDATE: Insiders who have seen Obama’s limited shooting at Camp David state that he could not have appeared more UNcomfortable handling a gun. He put himself through a 5 minute ordeal during a traditional shooting event (The President’s Cup) with the Marine guards.
See that report HERE.
Barry can’t let it go UPDATE: White House provides that Once in a lifetime shot of Obama firing a shotgun. The pic has so many caveats and restrictions attached that the media might not be showing it for long.
Party at Twitchy– users are photo-ENHANCING Obama’s pic. Fun stuff HERE.