(Another) Pharmacist Refuses to Sell Morning After Pill to a Man

Quite a significant number of pharmacists prefer to sell the morning after pills only to the actual patient.  If you search the net, you’ll find a fair number of stories detailing this phenomenon.

Apparently a recent story has made the news and has a bit of buzz on the blogs. Seems that “Hilary and Jon” had a desire for the morning after pill. They’re not yet married, and apparently not ready to have a baby. Jon was surprised to encounter a female pharmacist who would not sell the drug to him.

Some people have no idea why a pharmacist, who is willing to sell those pills, would make that decision. The girls at Reality Check seem to fall into this group.  So Pharmer made an attempt to explain this to them, and added a bit of extra bonus information.

1) Many formerly over the counter remedies have been placed in restricted access due to abuse.  All cold remedies containing pseudoephedrine are now behind the pharmacist’s counter, and sales are restricted,  because people like to use that chemical to produce methamphetamine.

2) The morning after pills are sometimes abused by males, who give them to females without their consent, sometimes as a chaser to “date rape” drugs.  Because of this, it makes sense to restrict the sale of the morning after pills to men.  Congratulations to the pharmacist who had enough sense to understand  this, and take a stand to protect women.

3)  It is misbranding to refer to a drug as “contraception” if it does not significantly stop or delay ovulation during or after the luteal peak (during the most fertile time of the month).  Part of its action is due to mechanisms operating after fertilization.   The morning after pills are properly classed as “hormonal birth control”, not “contraception”.

4) The morning after pills have shown MUCH less  effectiveness than was initially claimed.  It makes NO sense for a woman to change sexual behavior due to reliance on the morning after pills.  They reduce pregnancy rates by about 60 percent, or LESS.

5) In general, the effect of marketing ulipristal acetate, and levonorgestrel as morning-after-pills will be to stem the decline of the abortion rate.   The spectre of increasingly abysmal medical care, overlaid by ever increasing drug shortages has possibly  killed the mood for a lot of women, leading to a dip in abortion demand in the U.S.  Heavily marketing a poorer quality birth control option might be enough to keep the abortion businesses alive.  Levonorgestrel MAP was strongly associated with that effect in Anna Glasier’s Scottish studies.

Pharmer finds the morning after pills to be problematic on a number of levels, ranging from ethics to efficacy, and doesn’t dispense them at all.

The Reason for FDA Approval of Ella, Ulipristal Acetate is HERE

RU—Serious? Jennie McCormack, the Next “Roe”? Good Grief | LifeNews.com.

Jennie McCormack aborted her 5 month unborn baby using mifepristone and misoprostil which she purchased online.
She was charged for illegally obtaining those drugs, doing a home abortion, and violating the ban on abortions after 20 weeks. She is appealing her convictions with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The FDA approved Ella for use as a morning after pill in an effort to provide another avenue for procurement of drugs for home abortions. Ella, ulipristal acetate, is a chemical analog of RU-456, mifepristone, and, in sufficient doses, operates by the same mechanism. Ella can be obtained from an online pharmacy in Utah, and doing so would circumvent one of the laws which McCormack has broken in her home state of Idaho.

Korea: Morning-after pills changed to OTC status, Daily BC pills changed to prescription only

Morning-after pills can be bought OTC.

South Korea used to sell most forms of birth control over the counter, with the morning after pills being prescription only. They have reversed this trend, putting nine of eleven brands of morning after pill over the counter. Note: the articles in English do not specify if prescription status of Ulipristal acetate is affected in this change.

The KDFA justification for changing daily administered birth control pill brands to prescription status is due to their side effects, which were listed at the Korea Herald as: thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombo puerperalis, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis among others. The pills are banned from being administered to women with breast cancer, endometrial cancer, hepatitis and thromboembolism. Their use is also restricted among women who are over 40 years old, obese, have headaches, depression or other related conditions.

The Korean association of OB-Gyns is not in favor of putting morning after pills over the counter, citing studies that show that their availability does not reduce abortion demand.
The Catholic Diocese of Cheongju has registered opposition, stating that they will call for KFDA head Lee Hee-sung to resign.

In the above linked report, as with most news articles in countries where abortion has become controversial, there is the unsupported claim that the BC works only by affecting ovulation.

In opposition to this, the Drinks Business Review reports:
“KFDA officer Cho Ki-ho said  according to their panel of experts, the main mechanism behind the emergency pills is the interference of hormonal action, linked to interference of implantation.”

“”We are hoping that the wider access to the morning-after pill will prevent unwanted pregnancies. Because the drug is effective within 12 hours from sexual intercourse and at utmost 72 hours, time and access to the drug is very important. The pill is not an ordinary contraceptive. It is for very limited, urgent and frightening situations only,” Cho said.”

ACLU: Two More Pharmacies Refuse to Sell Morning After Pills to MEN

ACLU: Two More Pharmacies Refuse to Sell Emergency Contraception to Men.

The ACLU,  (defender of NAMBLA)  is so extremely concerned that men should be able to buy the morning after pill and  use it on their underage sex abuse victims, or on semi conscious date rape victims, or on their partners without consent.   Their mission is to harass and threaten any pharmacist who does not want to dispense the pill to anyone other than the final user, or those who wish not to dispense  it at all.

One right that the ACLU does NOT  defend is that of informed consent.

Boston Catholic Insider: Romney Lied About Catholic Hospitals Voluntarily Giving out Plan B

Boston Catholic Insider.

Linked above is an extensive article and information from the Boston Catholic Insider on the process by which the Catholic Hospitals of Massachusetts were coerced to give out the morning after pill to rape victims.
It includes a detailed chronology of events, and is worth your time to read.
Romney appears capable of a similar kind of bait and switch that Obama has done to the Catholic Bishops with his birth control/ abortion / sterilization mandate.

Here’s an 12/2005 article from the Pilot Catholic News about Romney’s announcement that his morning after pill mandate applied to Catholic hospitals. Romney had previously stated that religious hospitals would be exempted by a 1975 law that provided protection for conscientious refusal to distribute birth control or participate in abortion. He later decided that there was no such shield, and demanded that the Catholic hospitals comply with the birth control mandate.

Opinion from Penn U.

Obama’s Blow to Reproductive Justice – NextGen Journal.

Read it…… because she wants us to trust the FDA, even though it doesn’t do what she says it does.   She wants the  little girls who aren’t allowed to get their ears pierced without mommy signing, and who are not allowed to carry ibuprofen or naproxen to school for alleviating their first menstrual cramps, to be able to buy the morning after pill with their lunch money.

A comment  had been  appended to the article, but since it might not last there,  here’s a portion of it:

“Should we not be protecting our children from those who think it’s OK for 11 year olds to have sex, and buy a drug entity  which is  60 percent effective per use, associated with virilization of female fetuses, increased susceptibility to STDs, and osteoporosis, and is not studied  in the pre-teen population?”  . 

“We should not be placing faith in the FDA, which has mishandled the HUGE shortages of medically vital drugs and chemotherapeutic agents.   Lives have been lost and countless more are at risk because the drug supplies have become so unpredictable  that rational adaptations and substitutions  cannot be made in a timely manner.  Our government has been exacerbating this problem while it diddles with the desires of people who want sexual access  to the pediatric population.” 

Press Secretary Jay Carney Has Offended Peta

PETA sends letter to White House press secretary for taking bestiality question ‘lightly’ | The Cutline – Yahoo! News.

The latest defense authorization bill approved by the Senate includes repeal of military laws forbidding sodomy and bestiality.

Jay Carney dismissed questions on this from a reporter during his daily press briefing, merely saying, “Let’s get on to something more serious”.

This prompted a letter from PETA’s Director of Communications, Colleen O’Brien.   It points out that their office has been deluged with calls from people who are upset that bestiality is now permitted in the military.

From the letter:  “As we outlined in the attached letter sent yesterday to the secretary of defense, animal abuse does not affect animals only—it is also a matter of public safety, as people who abuse animals very often go on to abuse human beings.”

One of the rare bits of common sense coming from the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals  is going to fall on deaf ears, as the Obama Administration would not be sympathetic to these kinds of problems.

In fact, the FDA is again seeking to facilitate the sexual abuse of humans by putting the morning after pill, Plan B One-Step  out on store shelves with the condoms.

Ella, the new morning after pill which is chemically analogous to mifepristone (RU-486), is now distributed  through an on-line prescribing and dispensing  process.  Though it is more cumbersome, it allows  non-patients and  men to have access to the drug and accumulate doses for abortions.

By this means, the FDA has  facilitated the availability of  home abortions outside the supervision of medical personnel.  These processes are frequently completed at hospitals where the resultant, life-threatening infections are treated.

Sorry, PETA, this is one administration which is not concerned about the  abuse of  animals, (humans included).

‘I can’t give you the morning-after pill… it’s against my religion’ – Local – Hartlepool Mail

‘I can’t give you the morning-after pill… it’s against my religion’ – Local – Hartlepool Mail.

Another conscientious Boots Pharmacist acts up.   A 29 year old female patient, who desired to remain anonymous, was refused the morning after pill at a Boots pharmacy in Middleton Grange Shopping Centre, Hartlepool, UK.

She left the pharmacy in a state of shock, and was apparently  not able to get her pills until two days later.

Boots pharmacies has dealt with this issue before, and their spokesman acknowledges that the employees have a right to exercise conscientious objection, in refusing to dispense certain drugs.

The above linked article fails to recognize the manufacturer’s  stated multiple mechanisms of the morning after pills, and dishonestly states only  that they operate  to “stop the ovaries from releasing eggs”.


Russian Lawmakers Planning Major Abortion Restrictions

Russian Lawmakers Prepare For Major Crackdown on Abortion | The Blaze.

Russia suffers from a  depopulation crisis stemming from  low people productivity:  1.4 children per couple is the current fertility rate.

In the past it has had the highest abortion rate in the world, relying on that method as a primary means of birth control.

Russia reports a declining abortion rate from 169 per 100 births in 2000 down to 74 per 100 births in 2009, though these figures most likely omit private abortions, and losses due to use of the morning after pill

Proposed new laws  would require parental and spousal permissions,  introduce a waiting period, and make the morning after pill a prescription only drug.  Free abortions at the government clinics would also be banned.

The abortion restrictions have strong backing from the Russian Orthodox Church.

Blagojevich Rule Challenged | Daily News | NCRegister.com

Blagojevich Rule Challenged | Daily News | NCRegister.com.

In Sangamon County, Circuit Court Judge John Belz ruled that Illinois pharmacists can’t be forced to dispense the morning after pills against their own ethical standards and religious beliefs.

Opponents promise to immediately challenge this ruling, but Atty. Francis J. Manion,  ACLJ senior counsel, who represented the conscientiously objecting pharmacists notes that the court ruling addresses specific arguments for which the Illinois state attorneys were not able to provide evidence.   For example,  they were not able to argue that a single woman had been prevented from obtaining her morning after pills by a pharmacist who would not personally provide them.  For that reason, an appeal on their part will likely be a waste of Illinois’  negative financial resources.

The Illinois edict, which was overturned in the circuit court, had basically been designed  by Planned Parenthood, and this is the case for many other unconstitutional state laws opposing the human rights of health care professionals.

The article linked addresses  the battle over   conscience rights in numerous other states, including Wisconsin, Washington, where the  pharmacists  are in trouble, and in several more states which have recently supported pharmacists of conscience.

Scroll down in this blog to see the prescriber information for  Plan B, which clearly contradicts  the false premise of the Wisconsin regulations,  forcing pharmacists to dispense Plan B (as well as all other hormonal birth control).    Expect a new  legal battle to erupt in that state as the pharmacy owners are forced to apply the legislation and fire conscientiously objecting pharmacists.  Wisconsin’s legislation targeting the pharmacists was hidden in budget bills by the democrat legislature, and passed without much notice.  The newer state government might find cost containment benefits in rescinding the legislation.

The legal battle  is  ongoing in the state of Washington,  which the pro-abortion Governor Gregoire and her Board of Pharmacy  might drive all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.   It might be the crowning achievement of their careers.