ACLU Alert! Leftie New York Politicians Offer STATE LAND for Mosque

Read all about it!

The lefties of New York, sensing that even their own people would vote them out,  have decided it might be a good idea to move the mosque to another site.  Governor Patterson intends to meet with the Muslims with incentives for this change of plans.

What should be of prime interest to the ACLU is that there is a proffering of  STATE LAND for building the mosque at a different site, to avoid the controversy of its location as a victory monument at ground zero of the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Center.

Perhaps there will also be some state land offered to the Greek Orthodox for the replacement of  the St. Nicholas church????  Hmmmm???

Harry Reid Worried about November Election, Opposing the Mosque

The primary evidence to show the democrat desperation to be reelected is their break with Obama on the Mosque construction at ground zero..

Reid publicly announced his opposition to the leftist + muslim effort to declare victory over America by building a mosque where Islamic terrorists killed over 3000 people at the World trade center.   Please note that the above link is to a UK newspaper 😉

Interestingly the leftists have not yet figured out that a mosque does not represent victory for them, as their social agenda will not but supported there.

Fun facts:

The lefties have denied rebuilding of  St. Nicholas, a  Greek Orthodox church which had already existed in the same area.

Plans to build  a gay bar next to the proposed mosque also exist, and the prospective owner, Greg Gutfeld plans to cater to muslim men.

The ACLU favors the building of the mosque…….

yet it is famous for opposing public displays of Christian beliefs.

The ACLU also opposes the professional position not to purposely kill humans in health care practice.  Interestingly Muslims are also gaining media attention for the same pro-life position.

One may peruse massive literature  on the ACLU pro-killing position at  oddly catagorized as  “reproductive rights”.

Religious Tolerance of the lefties is very selective.