Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign

Freedom of speech has a high price tag during the Obama administration.

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign.

This highly clickable article by John Nolte highlights what netizens could surmise: that an almost unknown film that had been on YouTube for months, could not have suddenly touched off the 911-associated attacks on U.S. embassies around the world. It was much more likely that Obama had caused offense by repeatedly spiking the ball regarding the killing of Osama bin Laden, and particularly by doing it again at the democrat national convention.

Nolte points out that the little California film maker forgot to pay off the ObamaPAC fund raising machine. His competitor, Bill Maher, who skewered the Muslim faith in his film Religulous, has been exempt from blame by the administration. His film is better known, with much wider circulation. But Maher paid a million dollars to the Dems, so he’s exempt from blame for the current sad state of our foreign relations in the Muslim world.

In response to the claims that films cause terrorism, John Nolte is now demanding that the Obama administration get Sony to stop the release of Zero DarkThirty, the upcoming movie that celebrates the killing of bin Laden.

Gay Employees at Chick-fil-A Caught in the Middle.

Gay Chick-Fil-A Employees Reveal What It Has Been Like To Work There Lately – Business Insider.

We have some indication that Chick-Fil-A hasn’t been worrying about their employee’s private sex lives in the above article. But worklife is different now. Gays working for the company have been caught in the middle of the leftie war against their company, which was touched off by CEO Dan Cathy’s personal belief about gay marriage.

Apparently the homosexual employees are either getting blamed for hating gays, because of the gay marriage issue, or being thanked for opposition to it.

Some of what they hear is off point and crazy: “I hope you choke on your chicken” and either support or opposition because “your company hates gays”.

The situation of homosexual employees at Chick-fil-A brings home the point that everyone’s lives would be easier, including the those of gays, if the lefties would quit their war on freedom of religion. We notice that the lefties prefer to attack Christians, for opposing gay marriage, while at the same time supporting the sects of Muslims who chop the heads off of homosexuals.

Another case in point: In the U.S. HIV remains largely an affliction of men who have sex with men. Leftie heroes,Obama and Kathleen Sebelius, are working to close down the Catholic Health Care Institutions in the U.S. by insisting that they participate in birth control, sterilizations and abortion. By this means they will be shutting off a large proportion of care for patients with HIV. It’s estimated that world wide, 25% of health programs for HIV patients are provided by the Catholic Church. which has been at the forefront of that mission from the beginning.

The Democrats Lost on Abortion, Now Reframe It As Fight for Contraception

Dick Morris has a theory that the Democrats are inventing a mission to save contraception from Republicans who want to ban it
. This is interesting, since there are no Republicans trying to ban it, although there are some who don’t believe that tax payers should have to foot the bill for these recreational drugs.

Abortion is not a big winner with the public. Most, however, have not been informed that using hormones which alter their physiological systems 24/7/365, in order to have a little additional indoor sport, is not medically sound. Face it gurls, you are not your original self while on the pill. The public still thinks it wants birth control. No one is even trying to get rid of it. Pharmer is living decades into the future on this issue, and thinks people will turn to less physiologically disruptive means for reproductive self regulation.

Right now, Dick Morris thinks that the left is putting up birth control as a human right in the place of abortion, and inventing a fight between the Democrats and Republicans on the issue during this campaign. He says it was signified by Stephanopolous questioning Romney on whether States could ban the pill and if they had a right to do so. Santorum was also questioned on the issue. Neither candidate has any history of attempting to ban birth control. Historically such a ban was dealt with in the Griswold vs. Connecticut Supreme Court decision.

Of course a state could do ANYTHING it wanted to until it is stopped. Obama is doing that now, with his insurance mandate making people buy things that they don’t want to.
In North Carolina, a state agent has been caught taking away school kids lunches and billing the parents for substitutes fed to the kids from the school cafeteria. School lunches must now meet USDA standards. Romney’s own state made people buy health insurance. So yes, a state could ban birth control until someone stopped them. But such a ban is not an issue now, and not a thing which the Republicans care about.

Even the United States Catholic Church has ceased preaching against artificial birth control. Paul Rahe professor of history from Hillsdale College has written a hugely significant piece explaining how the U.S. Bishops sold out to the socialists in exchange for the false charity of redistributing the wealth. Rahe points out that in the 13 years he has been attending Church, since returning, he has heard NO sermons or messages regarding birth control, though he has attended at many different locations. Pharmer concurs that this preaching has almost totally ceased. Many pastors try avoid the issue of abortion also, being afraid to disturb the 40 percent of females who have had abortions at some time in their lives. In doing this, they also fail to offer the women a means of healing or repentance. (Pharmer places the “healing” first, since so many abortions are coerced.)

Rahe points out that the Catholic Church is now reaping the results of its multi-generational dance with socialism. The U.S. Church, like that in Europe and Canada is losing its ability to teach its religious tenets, due to government suppression.
Yesterday 2/14, Rahe published a followup article detailing the years of Cardinal Bernardin and his influence on the US Catholic Church. Those who avail themselves of the pro-life news media have been reading and commenting on these trends for decades. Now the larger conservative media venues have noticed. We see present day referrals to what for us is OLD news. This is a trend which affects all religions, not just Catholics. The religion with the best defense against this is Islam, since it lacks a teaching to turn the other cheek.

In a nutshell you see Obama pressing an agenda to make everyone pay for other people’s recreational birth control drugs/abortifacients/sterilizations. At the same time he has possibly ordered Reid allow a vote to undo this. Simultaneously, the Dems will present Republican resistance to forcing religious people pay for these drugs, as an effort to BAN the substances altogether. It’s how the lefties campaign.

Keep your focus on the issue of individual freedom and self determination, and not on this crazy shell game that the democrats are presenting.

Related: Many rantings from your friendly rural pharmacist on the U.S. Catholic Bishops. So many of them exchanged religious freedom for state controlled wealth redistribution.

Obama Has Irritated Speaker Boehner

“This attack by the federal government on religious freedom in our country cannot stand, and will not stand,” Boehner, a Catholic and Ohio Republican, said in a rare floor speech,  says  The Blaze.

Let’s see if the House and Senate are able to Override the Obamacare birth control mandate.   Pharmer suspects house can do it, but the Senate had 26 freaks who directly support Obama’s mandate for religious institutions to cover birth control, abortive drugs and sterilizations in their health insurance plans.

The government plan is to have Christians pay the STATIST  DHIMMI  TAX in the form of fines, as a result of being forced to drop health care coverage for their employees.     Interestingly, adherent Muslims may be subjected  to this same situation with respect to  the state, but  (if we compare their response in  Europe)  are much LESS likely to tolerate dhimmitude to the state.

The top linked article mentions that Massachusetts has already been forcing religiously affiliated hospitals  to give out the morning after pill to rape victims, from the time that Romney was governor.    Romney says he vetoed the bill, though he supported the morning after pill for rape victims.

Would Muslims Have a Cultural Objection to Planned Parenthood’s Idea of Emancipation?

Planned Parenthood Tried to Force Raped Teen to Have Abortion |

It seems that the work of Live Action has inspired others to dig up the bones at Planned Parenthood.

According to this 2008  story, and police reports,  Planned Parenthood held a 14 year old girl, who had been made pregnant by an adult male, in their custody over the objections of the girl’s father, and a police officer.

The Planned Parenthood employee,Andrea Smasne, stated that once a girl is pregnant, she is emancipated, and claimed that the father of this 14 year old statutory rape victim had no right to take his daughter home.

The police officer was advised by Kennewick  city Atty, Eric Eisinger  that planned parenthood was interfering with parental custodial rights, (Custodial interference section 26.28).  The officer  proceeded to use this information to extract the girl from the clinic and send her home with her father.

Read the police report here.

Also learn about the many pro-life groups in Washington state, attempting to stem the cultural decay of that state.

This idea of a planned parenthood clinic holding a 14 year old, and attempting to send her with a statutory rapist to another clinic for a late term (22 week) abortion got Pharmer to thinking….   what would MUSLIMS think of this abrogation of family structure and order?  Would they like to join the various Christian sects in vociferously protesting this obamanation?

To Boldly Grope Where No Hand Has Gone Before

TSA’s  next frontier is the cavity search.  We need to be safe from the anal dwelling bombs.

As people become accustomed to “love pats” at the airport,  the TSA  employees will become bored, and feel a need to explore further.

Surely Janet Napolitano remembers that NASTY  old Eddy Murphy song  from the 80’s………

and you KNOW she wants to go there.     As you can see, asking people to remove their prosthetics,  and that includes you breast cancer survivors,    is not a problem for Janet and her minions.  People living with ostomies are also targets for the TSA gropers.

Janet’s theme song  (warning, it’s sicko)

So,  are we going to wait for CAIR and the Muslims to put a stop to this,   or are we going to make our government really busy until the TSA abandons this unseemly interest in our privates?

Revolt Against Big Sis and the TSA

Come here, my little pretty.......

Pilots are protesting the excessive radiation exposure to which they are exposed in Airport security searches, and don’t appreciate the alternative of being felt up by agents.

Just before the holiday flying season,  Janet Napolitano will have to address increasing passenger displeasure over being punished for the crimes of others, with inconvenience and invasions of their person and effects.

After extensive  effort to educate children regarding their bodily autonomy, the kids  are expected mentally process a 180 degree turn and to sacrifice it for the privilege of flying.

And the Muslims………… whose errant ‘adherents’  provided impetus for all this search and grab, will be the ones who eventually bring it to a screeching halt.  Just you wait and see.

Multiculturalism in Germany has Failed, Sez Merkel

Chancellor Merkel, speaking to a younger crowd of Christian Democratic Union members, has declared the multikulti effort in Germany to be an “utter failure”.   She adds that those who do not speak German immediately are not welcome.

Seems that those same Muslims, who don’t like abortion,  are out-reproducing the Europeans and taking over.  The European welfare system causes this disparity to be exaggerated.  It’s easier for one guy to service many “wives”  when the government provides the funding.

D.C. Archdiocese Forced to Drop Coverage for Spouses over Same-Sex “Marriage”

D.C. Archdiocese Forced to Drop Coverage for Spouses over Same-Sex “Marriage”.

Already the Washington DC Archdiocese was forced to close its foster care program due to the new laws affecting gay marriage.

Now it has cut off health care benefits to all spouses of all new employees, in order to avoid being forced to recognize gay marriage.

Remember……… Obamacare with its abortion and death panels could similarly  close all of the Catholic health care.   This could  instantly cause 16 percent of the health care in the U.S. to disappear.   More could be gone if other religiously run institutions follow suit.

Since Muslims also do not like abortion, it is unlikely that they could fill this void, even if they had command of the other resources.  One severe limitation is the high degree to which anticoagulation treatment protocols used in the hospitals are LEANING ON PORK. Yes it’s true,  heparin and the variety of low molecular weight analogs are PORK products.