To Boldly Grope Where No Hand Has Gone Before

TSA’s  next frontier is the cavity search.  We need to be safe from the anal dwelling bombs.

As people become accustomed to “love pats” at the airport,  the TSA  employees will become bored, and feel a need to explore further.

Surely Janet Napolitano remembers that NASTY  old Eddy Murphy song  from the 80’s………

and you KNOW she wants to go there.     As you can see, asking people to remove their prosthetics,  and that includes you breast cancer survivors,    is not a problem for Janet and her minions.  People living with ostomies are also targets for the TSA gropers.

Janet’s theme song  (warning, it’s sicko)

So,  are we going to wait for CAIR and the Muslims to put a stop to this,   or are we going to make our government really busy until the TSA abandons this unseemly interest in our privates?

NASA main mission to promote better relations with the Muslim world – NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World.

Forget outer space……. NASA chief Charles Bolden say’s his agency’s main mission is exploring the inner space of the Muslim’s minds.  His job is to make Muslims love US.

Not only is this a misuse of NASA, which was founded for the purpose of space exploration, and is filled with scientists who don’t do diplomacy, it is a mission doomed to failure.

Bolden’s boss,  Obama  does not believe in the personal disciplines and restrictions taught in Islam.   He flouts most of them.  Certainly he romanticizes the trappings and ritual of Islam, but the discipline part of it is lost on him.  For that reason,  he will never have the respect of Muslims.

This also holds true for our leftists who have paradoxically embraced the outer shell of Islam, while remaining blissfully oblivious of its strict social and job segregation of women,  its Old Testament-style  treatment of criminals,  it’s anti-abortion ethic, etc. Leftists have opposed the social standards of Islam for centuries,  and now are inexplicably drawn to it, due to their unresolved conflicts with Christian forebears.

Likely there will be massive personnel changes within NASA, with ejection of most of those who perform science and engineering functions,  and replacement by lawyers and diplomats.