Eugene Robinson: Rick Santorum’s Stillborn Baby Story Is “Very Weird” | RealClearPolitics

Eugene Robinson: Rick Santorum’s Stillborn Baby Story Is “Very Weird” | RealClearPolitics.

The leftie media is still melting down over the manner in which the Santorum’s dealt with the death of their baby boy.  They held a sort of mini-wake for the child in their own home.  Karen Santorum served  a neonatal nurse for several years, and probably has many stories of life and death which would offend the tender sensibilities of Eugene Robsinson.

Many people need to deny the reality of death, though they might actually be supporting medical killing with their votes, or fostering the starvation, poisoning, or malaria deaths of so many people in other countries by supporting ill-conceived “green” policies.  The decisions to go to war, and war conduct might change drastically if people were not trying so hard to hide from death.

Perhaps the Santorum-haters  would need more than benzodiazepines  to sleep at night if they repeatedly  saw  reality of death as health care workers do, and tried to process the consequences of their voting habits.

Eugene Robinson obtained a Pulitzer prize for his 2008 non-coverage of the most radically pro-abortion and pro-infanticide politician in America.



YoObama, One Candle At a Time

You don’t Flame the Menorah all at once… Eight Nights, DUDE, one candle at a time. It doesn’t matter that you have an extravagant and elongated Christmas Vacay lined up.
Get Your Hanukkah Instructions from our pals at the Whistleblower, who HAMMER the lamestream media and dispense equal opportunity abuse to our politicians. Don’t be rushing it ahead of time.

Indiana Contracted the Chicago Disease: Forgeries Got Obama on 2008 Ballot

Indiana 2008 Presidential Primary Election Fraud Probe Heats Up | Fox News.

An investigation into 2008 election fraud has picked up steam in Indiana.  It seems that  quite a large number of Democrat voters did not sign the petitions to put Obama on the ballot, although the papers show their names and addresses.

Presidential candidates only need 500 signatures from each of 9 districts in Indiana to get on the Ballot.  Obama couldn’t manage 500 real ones so his people apparently fudged them.

Up to seven people are being investigated for involvement in a fraud incident in the South Bend area of Indiana.   It appears that the currently assigned  fall guy for this scheme is an independent contractor and democrat party volunteer, Dustin Blythe.

Sebelius tells Mennonite Insurer To Reverse Rate Hike

Obama tells insurer to reverse rate hike – Washington Times.

Up front, you should know that insurers don’t have to do what Kathleen Sebelius says, but are expected to publicly justify the increases on  The Everence report is posted HERE, and mentions that the increase is in response to three years of posting loses on that group of insurance offerings.

Health and Human Services, which can’t do math, is saying that the Everence Insurance company is using national data rather than Pennsylvania data to predict losses.    The company has jacked rates on small group plans affecting about 5000 people.

Why are insurers raising their rates?   With the economy failing, the healthiest people are the most likely to trim health care insurance from their expenses.  This leaves the less healthy ones, who know they have to keep coverage, still on board.  Less income, more costs.
We don’t need the government to control and ruin the health insurance industry. If those affected small groups hate the Everence increase a lot, they’ll shop for cheaper plans. Under the guise of regulating prices, the government is working to kill insurance companies, and force us into a one provider system.

Voice Analysis Software Indicates Cain Tells the Truth, Bialek Lies

Software Analyzing Voice Recognition Says Herman Cain Telling Truth of His Innocence | Video |

It appears that a person can get a lie detector test without making any effort.  Herman Cain has just had one, courtesy of private investigator TJ Ward, who applied his software voice analysis to the recent press conference.  His software rates Cain’s speech as low risk, which means he’s likely telling the truth.

When Sharon Bialek described sexual impositions in her meeting with Cain, the software rated her as high risk.  Ward said that she is likely not lying about having met him, but is lying  what what happened.

Law enforcement uses similar voice analysis  software with a very high degree of success in detecting lies.

Comments at this story on the Blaze were amusing, with one person suggesting that applying the equipment  set the test equipment on fire.

Meanwhile,  Ann Coulter has a column, worth reading, which details the David Axelrod actions to wipe out Obama’s political opponents in Chicago.   Remember, Sharon has a residential kind of connection with Axelrod at the very least.

She notes that the allegations against Cain all stem from time with the National Restaurant Association, and no other time of his long business career.   The NRA period is Cain’s closest brush with the Chicago cesspool.

With poor Perry showing some really bad performance at the debates (order of magnitude  worse than neophyte- Pharmer’s first appearance on national television),  Cain is the current top tier conservative.  This will inspire further false allegations and attacks from the left.  They fear him even more than they fear Palin.

Obama moves jobs speech date to Sept. 8 | The Ticket – Yahoo! News

Obama moves jobs speech date to Sept. 8 | The Ticket – Yahoo! News.

Obama’s original plan ( to suggest a third Porkulus package)  to “stimulate jobs”   has been rescheduled.

It’s “deja vu all over again”  as the president comes off of a Martha’s Vineyard vacation and makes a speech about jobs.   The idea was to address  a joint session of congress on Sept 7,  in an attempt to upstage a republican presidential debate.

Boehner rejected the idea, and asked for rescheduling to Sept 8.

Obama has complied, and will now be up against the opening game of the professional football season.