It’s Illegal to Unlock Your OWN Cell Phone!

The Public Has Spoken – 100,000 Americans Sign WH Petition on Cellphone Unlocking – Derek Khanna – Page 1.

There’s a new regulation issued by the Librarian of Congress which makes it illegal to unlock your cellphone.

As of January 26, if you unlock a new cell phone  in order to use it with a different carrier, it could land you in jail for 5 years and cost you a half million dollars.

The big phone companies interests are protected by preventing you from changing the settings of your phone.

Who is harmed by this?  Everyone who wants to use a different carrier.  This would include military personnel who unlock their phones to use them wherever in the world they might be serving.

The article linked at the top contains some good language for a short letter to your congressman, if you’re a techie and like to jailbreak and unlock your gadgets.  Check it out!


IRS Document Reveals Projected 2016 Cost of Obamacare.

What the IRS thinks that a small family will be paying for Obamacare in 2016 is available on page 56 of this government generated document.  Please pass this link to every “low information voter” you know, particularly those living in the blue states.

If you have a small family, do you think that $20,000 dollars per year to pay for health care insurance alone is “affordable”???  Do you think that this is an improvement over  your current  health insurance  situation?

This IRS document actually deals with the criteria for determining how much penalty would be paid by those who choose not to buy health insurance.  The examples given in the document, specify some estimates of costs  of health care policies for individuals and for families.