Mississippi voters reject anti-abortion initiative – CNN.com

Mississippi voters reject anti-abortion initiative – CNN.com.

The Personhood Amendment (26) in Mississippi was voted down on Tuesday.

This amendment defined the beginning of life according to what is understood in biology for over 150 years.   Opponents feared that it could have led to laws and regulations to ban hormonal birth control and fertility treatments, since these things often operate with a mechanism to stop embryonic human life. The amendment itself contained no specific language involving bans or restrictions. The CNN article referenced above is incorrect in this regard, as it re-used scare tactics used by abortion supporters to oppose the amendment.

The admission of the ethical problems associated with birth control and certain fertility treatments comes late from promoters, many of whom formerly denied, concealed or obfuscated  the possible effects of embryonic or fetal demise.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz, DNC Chair: Recognizing Biological Fact is Extreme

DNC Chair: Saying Life Begins at Conception “Extreme” | LifeNews.com.

The libs are shrieking their fear and trepidation of the Mississippi Personhood Amendment.

Life News provides this statement from Crazy DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz:  “For the vast majority of Americans, including people on both sides of the abortion issue, this is an extreme and radical step,” she told reporters on a conference call and adding that it is supposedly a “divisive, dangerous, and destructive” attack on women.

For 150 years,  it has been known that fertilization marks the beginning of life for a human  organism.   Recognizing it in law is considered extreme by this crazy Democrat.

Such a legal recognition is a danger to the business of abortion providers and  birth control distributors, as it might counteract the various misrepresentations used to sell those products and services.

As official political voice of the abortion industry, the Democrat party is obligated to do or say anything to counteract the recognition of biological facts.