Judge throws out Charges against Pro-lifer, Peter D’Attilio

Criminal charges against pro-life activist Peter D’Attilio thrown out by judge.

Mass Resistance has been covering the arrest and prosecution of Peter D’Attilio, for the horrible crime of passing out pro-life bookmarks  at a Catholic fair in Franklin MA. Judge Steven Ostrach, of Wrentham District Court has thrown out the charges and berated the prosecutor for pursuing the case.

You will find the police report most amusing, as it is interspersed with comments from D’Attilio,  who appears to be a disciplined activist with a very orderly mind.

Thomas More Law Center is planning a civil rights lawsuit as a response to the false arrest, and six month delay of the court hearing.

Mass resistance reports that the ATF is now monitoring Peter D’Attilio for the horrible crime of passing out pro-life information. Pharmer guesses that the ATF thinks this guy who opposes killing, is a terrorist.  They have a duty to monitor bookmark distribution, similar to the duty of the TSA to check the underpants of toddlers for bombs.

Pro-life activist beaten, arrested, and accused of bomb plot by police

Pro-life activist beaten, arrested, and accused of bomb plot by police.

The treatment that Peter D’Attilio received in Franklin, Massachusetts is reminiscent of the Clinton era, when the FBI was running around to all the pro-life groups, questioning them about their activities.

Mass Resistance (link above) has the full scoop on D’Attilio’s arrest and detainment, as well as the pending charges against him, for passing out pro-life flyers at St. Mary’s Catholic church festival.   The article also contains contact information.