Daytraders: Try Buying Stock in Potassium Iodide producers

Anti-radiation drug is a hot, and useless, commodity in US.

You could take profitable advantage of stupidity this week.

People are listening to the media misinformation about the Fukushima nuclear power plants, and are buying up  potassium iodide, in their panic.

Potassium iodide addresses only extreme exposure,  specficially to radioactive iodine.  It is not useful for all age groups.  People in the U.S. are intending to take the drug in response to tales of radiation  plumes coming from Japan.

‘There’s a sucker born every minute.’

The media is responsible for marketing a useless product in the U.S.    Who could fault a good capitalist for taking advanatage of a ready-made profit opportunity? Anbex and Fleming are two companies to check out.