Killing as an Essential Part of Health Care – the New Utopian Standard

From the Quebec “Dying with Dignity” Euthanasia Commission comes the following recommendation for providing physician assisted death.

By definition, medical aid in dying could only be provided by a physician. Under their codes of ethics, physicians and nurses are entitled to conscientious objection, meaning they can refuse to perform an act that goes against their values. Of course, physicians and nurses will retain this right where medical aid in dying is concerned. However, a doctor who refuses to provide medical aid in dying for reasons of conscience will have the duty to help his patient find another who is prepared to do so, as quickly as possible

via Quebec Doctors Forced Into Killing Patients in Assisted Suicide? |

Personal ethics notwithstanding, every  physician will have  to refer for killing, as a requisite function of medical practice in Quebec, if the above recommendation goes through.   Canada has little to no conscience protection for health care professionals who think that  killing is wrong.

There is 100% chance that the same will be expected of all U.S. physicians once Obamacare matures into its utopian form.

Most states already require pharmacists to refer patients to receive abortive drugs, if they choose not to dispense them.  Physicians are expected  to make the option of abortion known to a woman if her baby has an unfavorable prenatal diagnosis.   They fear legal liability if they do not.

These are the reasons that those who think that killing humans is wrong will need to avoid working in many of the  health care professions in the near future.

Doctor Patient Medical Association Foundation Survey: Docs despondent over Obamacare

DPMA_SurveyResults.pdf (application/pdf Object).

The above linked survey is from May of 2012.  It shows 83 percent of survey respondents thinking about quitting due to Obamacare.  It also shows the highest ever numbers of docs opting out of Medicare and Medicaid.

Most significantly, 61 percent of docs are already finding it harder to adhere to the Hippocratic ethic of medicine.  (Bear in mind that some specialties would not run into as much conflict with this due to the nature of their practice.)

Results are from  a faxed survey of random doctors with a total of 699 respondents.

Wis. Doctors Reprimanded Over Protest Sick Notes « CBS Minnesota

Wis. Doctors Reprimanded Over Protest Sick Notes « CBS Minnesota.

The Wisconsin Medical Examining Board has reprimanded the physicians, for giving  out unjustified sick excuses for work absence , at the union protests in Madison Wisconsin.

An attorney representing some of the docs  says that this reprimand will remain on their records for the rest of their careers.  They are also being required to take continuing education in medical records keeping, and pay the costs of the board proceedings against them.

The Board found that the physicians did not keep proper records of having examined and found their patients ( fellow protesters)  too ill to go to their jobs. This failure therefore violated the public trust placed in physicians, the board determined.

Nearly all of the physicians investigated for this infraction are affiliated with the University of Wisconsin.  Seven of the doctors received their reprimands this past Wednesday.  Six of those are part of a group of 22 docs who were investigated by the University of Wisconsin medical school for the fake sick notes.  Some of those were found not to have handed out notes, and some were reprimanded or demoted.