Redtails: Another BAD Idea from Washington

The PC police are on the march, trying to get the Washington Redskins to change their name.

David Grosso, a Washington D.C. councilman,  has expressed his desire  to change  the “racist and derogatory” name to Redtails.  The ever sensible Robert Griffin III tweeted in response: ‘In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.’

Your friendly Pharmer has heard of the Tuskegee Airmen who served with distinction  in World War II, but did Not remember that their aircraft had red tails.   So the name Redtails certainly did not evoke this, nor the Airmen themselves.

redtail aircraft

If a person wants to you to think about the whole bird, they don’t say Redtail, they say Redtail Hawk:
Redtail Hawk

The hawk’s tail isn’t that red.

Unfortunately, just hearing the term Redtails by itself, a very bright red image came to mind that rendered David Grosso’s effort a TOTAL FAIL.

hamadryas baboon

Rahm Apology Misses the Mark

Rahm Emmanuel is falling all over himself  apologizing for calling certain liberals Retarded.

The politically correct posturing misses the mark as it always does, and deflects our attention away from the  leftist   Emanuel brothers programs for KILLING the disabled.

If you recall,  the Obama administration contains two crazy Emanuel brothers, Rahm and Ezekiel.   Ezekiel is the Rationer of Health Care Resources, who would exclude the disabled from the government’s favored list of beneficiaries.  From deep within the memory division of the Pharm comes his  article in Lancet, and this video, so that we don’t forget the true attitude of these  leftists towards those with disabilities.

The Politico is following Rahm’s diversionary tactics, but down on the Pharm, we keep our eye on the ball.

Rather than pandering to people with political correctness of language, we should  stop insulting people with slow mental processing ability by using the word ‘retarded’ to describe liberals.   Retardation is slowness, and does not imply the bad judgment, immorality, lack of ethics which plague our lefties.

We should also demand that the leftists stop their programs of  killing people with disabilities prior to birth, excluding those who survive this culling from health care access, and euthanizing them.

In this blog is a treasure trove of links to the leftists own words regarding their intentions for our health care system.  Searching obamacare will dredge up quite a bit.  One example quotes Palin on DEATH PANELS, with numerous corroborating references appended.

