This will bolster your confidence in the Girl Scouts organization, which helps to bring up the girls of America.
You might have encountered Josh Ackley in his day job as spokes-person and public relations face of the Girl Scouts of America. Austin Ruse at is telling all about Josh’s night job, however. Ackley has had a little hiatus from his music career with the Dead Betties, a band of the “homo-punk” or “homo-core” genre, under the stage name Joshua Starr.
Learn more about the Dead Betties in a book which follows the rise of “Queer Rock”, or a video called Hellevator, uploaded to Youtube on September 18,2007, currently with 4188 views, and Pharmer is not linking it.
You’ll be comforted to know that Josh has brought the Dead Betties back together, and they performed on Nov 30 in New York. O Goodie! They’re putting out another album, (No Love Lost,) and are shopping for a label to accept it., which now has 117 questions, is an exhaustive reference detailing the reasons that would prevent most Americans from choosing the Girl Scouts program as an extra curricular activity for their girls. Question 14 and question 89 address Joshua Ackley’s function within the organization and supplies this profile, which is excerpted below.

Here’s a screenshot of Ackley’s profile page at the Girl Scouts Blog, and below is a screen shot from the blog itself.