We found some at the other end. This is said to have generated a good deal of commentary on the Glen Beck show. You decide…… was it the seating, a result of LEANING FORWARD, an uncontrollable urge, or just the USUAL hot gaseous output from Barney?
Rachel Madcow certainly shows signs of mental decline. A statement from Congressional candidate, Dr. Robinson that OTHER conditions were being reclassified as AIDS, ( in order to politically justify funding), was morphed by this whacked out woman into a statement that HIV itself was a government conspiracy. Those two ideas are definitely NOT the same thing. Far from it.
Pharmer thanks Breitbart, who hosted this, for reminding her why she doesn’t have cable, and would never pay to have MS-LSD displayed on the flat screen.
Yes, Pharmer was a researcher working at one of the locations of the multicenter trial for the first HIV drug, back when it was called AZT. Yes, the grant that paid her salary was part of the largesse allocated to studying HIV and the conditions which accompany it.
It was fashionable to tie any research on diseases affecting immunosupressed people to HIV in order to get grant $$$$.
Art Robinson’s actual statement from that time does make sense, understood within the politically infused environment of research.