Race pimping Brent Budowsky to Matt Drudge: Stop the race stories – The Hill

Dear Matt Drudge: Stop the race stories – The Hill's Pundits Blog. Click and Puke.

Brent Budowsky is pretending not to know that it’s the lamestream media which has been been pumping race and stirring up division for years and years. Drudge is just putting up headlines 99.8 percent of the time. Once in awhile he features a privately obtained hot scoop.

A lot of America’s mixedupkidz think that America ought to be over race by now with all the intermingling of the genes. But noooooooooooooooo, the mostly white, all LEFTIE Obamanator and his race-pimping media continue to fan the embers of racial division, seeking to obtain political advantage from that.

Budowsky is one of those race-pimps, and he’s projecting his faults onto others.

A analogously disgusting creature is Chrissie Matthews, who of late is thankful for the storms and all the accompanying human misery, because he feels that Obamanator gained an advantage from that.

This is what we have for lefties now…… they obtain power by feeding from human misery, whether it is naturally occurring or created by them.

Getting to Know Planned Parenthood through its founder


Hat tip to Tamminator at Hillbuzz who tells us that planned unparenthood has gotten itself into a Los Angeles high school, where it can pollute the kids, dispense birth control, and refer for abortions, all without parental intervention. Planned unparenthood can employ its trademark chemical and abortive methods for regulating the population of the mostly Latino student body of Roosevelt High School from within the facility.

Leftie Racism

Lawrence O’Donnell: Sorry for invoking slavery.

Another Newbie on MS-LSD  (used to be NBC), Lawrence O’Donnell has been caught displaying his leftie racism towards Michael Steele, head of the Republican National Committee.

Little Larry had to apologize to Steele for implying that he’s dancing as fast as he can, as a slave to the RNC.

Trouble is,  Steele, being a RINO and  accustomed to media abuse, has accepted the insincere apology from MS LSD’s newest host, for a chance to be re-invited to the show.

The likes of this quote would get any right winger booted from the air, but O’Donnell will remain.

Said Larry:  “Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can,” O’Donnell began his Steele intro, “trying to charm independent voters and Tea Partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider, the Republican National Committee.”

» Sherrod Wants BigGovernment Shut Down, Thinks She Should Sue Breitbart – Big Government

» Sherrod Wants BigGovernment Shut Down, Thinks She Should Sue Breitbart – Big Government.

Looks like Sherrod didn’t learn the  lesson about Obama that she should have learned…… after all, it is his administration which booted her from her job, over flimsy evidence of an event that happened 24 years ago.

A lawsuit againt Breitbart will be cheap publicity for their news  site, and allow them to reveal much more about the now useless NAACP which was so quick to throw Sherrod under the bus, even though they had ALL the video.

Did getting run over by Obama-bus cause severe head trauma?

White House forced into U-turn over Shirley Sherrod race row | World news | The Guardian

White House forced into U-turn over Shirley Sherrod race row | World news | The Guardian.

Oops!!!  Another Obama administration Booboo…….. apologies to Shirley Sherrod.   They take it all back now.  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

The NAACP is also falling all over itself apologizing,  and blaming it all on FOX news and the conservatives.

FOX news did not air the story until after Ms. Sherrod was fired  😉  Oopsie!

For amusement, watch Press Secretary Gibbs  trying to handle this debacle, and failing.

UNDER THE BUS… Strategems from inside the Sherrod Debacle

Shirley Sherrod was caught up in the race war which the Democrats and Obama administration are setting up against the Tea Party.

Hannity on Fox interviews Andrew Breitbart after the fact. From this we learn:

The video is an old news source from April. Breitbart sat on it until July, and decided to use it because the NAACP will not let go of the false story of teaparty behavior towards Black congressmen in Washington during the anti Obamacare rally.
Breitbart gives no opinion on the firing of Shirley Sherrod, claiming that she is not the real focus of the story which he presented about the NAACP and its racial issues.

Watch till the end as Breitbart reads  a statement by Mary Francis Berry,  discussing the democrat strategem to use accusations of racism to attenuate the influence of the Teaparty movement.

Expect that false accusations against the Tea Partiers will be continue to be vigorously opposed in like manner.

Shirley Sherrod, a person who appeared to have long ago learned a lesson on her own, was caught up in this race war, incited by the democrats, and perhaps has learned a new  lesson.
The Obama administration has its own welfare in mind, not that of Black people, the poor, or anyone else.

Mary Francis Berry was  a  Civil Rights Commissioner of the Clinton and Carter administrations,  and has this to say about the Democrats treatment of the Tea party.

“Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness.”

Why did Shirley Sherrod Resign from the USDA?

FOXNews.com – Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn’t Give ‘Full Force’ of Help to White Farmer.

There’s a big firestorm about a video of Shirley Sherrod, Georgia Director of Rural Development, giving a speech at an NAACP meeting, telling of her interaction with a White farmer who needed assistance to avoid losing his land.   This was said to be a very  old incident, her first interaction with a White farmer on the job.  Apparently her perception of his attitude caused her to offer him less than maximum help, and to refer him to one of his own.

A new story has surfaced, claiming that the wife of said farmer had a much different perception of Sherrod’s service, and was upset that she had lost her job.

The main question stemming from this incident is:  “WHY did Sherrod resign?   If she was wrongly accused of discrimination, as later news stories claim,  she should have refused to resign,  and fought dismissal  through the human services department and in court.

Discrimination would be quite hard to prove, in this old case,  if the supposed victims did not have a perception of being discriminated against.

Failures of political correctness have cost the jobs of countless  good workers.   Pharmer suspects that this will continue as long as these workers are willing to run and hide when accused of wrong speech or thought.

Among other possibilities, not mentioned in the news seen by this blogger thus far,   is that the agreement to resign was really a response  to a $$$$ buyout $$$$.

Shirley Sherrod  has a mixed past with the USDA, having sued them successfully for 13 million dollars as part of a minority group called New Communities.   She obtained  a $150,000 portion of that sum.

The video below is Ms. Sherrod’s recounting of being thrown under the bus by the NAACP and the Obama administration 24 years after the controversial episode  in question.