Gay marriage support ‘more likely from straight men who watch porn’

From The Telegraph of the UK, comes a story from the old humping  …errr.. stomping grounds  of A.C. Kinsey, the legendary pervert of the Midwest.   Yes……. a study from Indiana University has concluded that:

Gay marriage support ‘more likely from straight men who watch porn’ – Telegraph.

Heterosexual men who watched the most porn were more “open” to the idea of same sex marriage, according to Assistant Professor Paul Wright.

He opines that porn ‘adopts a’ singular….. whoops….. ‘INDIVIDUALISTIC, non-judgmental view’ on all sorts of sexual behavior.   Exposure to this  is said to be linked to a more positive view of same sex marriage.

Per the Telegraph, people of the UK have seen sufficient porn that they are quite (over) ripe for gay marriage.

It seems to Pharmer, that after viewing a lot of porn, the users could just marry themselves, and save themselves the trouble of maintaining a long term relationship with another person.   😛

Oregon Baker Threatened by State for Refusing to Make Same Sex Wedding Cake

Aaron Klein, of Sweet Cakes Bakery in Gresham, Oregon is facing threats from the State for refusing the business of two lesbians, requesting a wedding cake.

Klein, who prominently displays symbols of his religion within the bakery, believes that his right to refuse to acknowledge same sex marriage  is a first amendment right.  He is willing to close up shop, rather than be forced to violate his religious beliefs.

Target is Standing Behind the Three Percent

Target Selling Pride Shirts to Help Pro-Gay Marriage Group — and Reportedly Blocking Emails From Those Complaining |

Target has chosen to invest in the leftist desires for the three percent. The company is selling gay pride tee shirts, and funding the “Family Equality Council” a pro gay marriage group.

Not all of gay people believe that the government should support gay marriage. Their reasons for opposing it are myriad. Some have figured out that the institution is more for children than it is for the couples. Others, like Natalie Neusch, just think it’s weird.

One wonders how many email protests, coming from gays, are being blocked by Target’s customer service.